When the incarnation resonates in our hearts, we will know who our neighbor is
When the incarnation resonates in our hearts, we will know who our neighbor is
The parable of the good Samaritan answers the question who is my neighbor. It also is the most perfect description of th... Read more
30 Nov 2020
Life is full of critical moments: The Gadarene demoniac and the Ascetic-Martyr James
Life is full of critical moments: The Gadarene demoniac and the Ascetic-Martyr James
We must encounter *everything* in our lives spiritually, or else we may miss a life-changing moment. We discuss two mome... Read more
16 Nov 2020
The way we experience life completely depends on how we think
The way we experience life completely depends on how we think
St. Paul teaches us how to think about ourselves, which completely determines how we live. The pastoral letter referred ... Read more
9 Nov 2020
Fathers of the 7th Council. The Gospel vs Various and Strange Doctrines
Fathers of the 7th Council. The Gospel vs Various and Strange Doctrines
What made the saints who they are? It was the true Christian faith that they kept, and held on to, and had the power to ... Read more
28 Oct 2020
The Widow of Nain and The Bronze Bow prove every person is significant
The Widow of Nain and The Bronze Bow prove every person is significant
Jesus raised the son of the widow of Nain because He arranged everything toward this purpose. We do not know her name or... Read more
27 Oct 2020
Why should we follow the Golden rule? It is in accordance with our very nature.
Why should we follow the Golden rule? It is in accordance with our very nature.
Everyone knows the “Golden rule,” but very few understand the exact why we should follow it. As soon as the Lord gives t... Read more
19 Oct 2020
Sow bountifully and abound to every good work
Sow bountifully and abound to every good work
What is the key to having a fulfilled, happy life? Most people in the world don’t know. Most Christians in the world don... Read more
12 Oct 2020
We must know what is life and death in everything in order to take up the cross
We must know what is life and death in everything in order to take up the cross
On the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross the Gospel includes the Lord's invitation, ”Whosoever will come after me... Read more
5 Oct 2020
How did Christ draw all men to Himself by hanging on the Cross?
How did Christ draw all men to Himself by hanging on the Cross?
On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, we read the words of Jesus Christ, which predicted His death on the cr... Read more
28 Sep 2020
Nativity of the Theotokos: Two Feasts, Two Beginnings
Nativity of the Theotokos: Two Feasts, Two Beginnings
The celebration of the Nativity of the Theotokos is just before the Exaltation of the Cross, and these two feasts at the... Read more
22 Sep 2020