Ranked #1

Ep. 1: The One with Dr. Drake Mukro
Ep. 1: The One with Dr. Drake Mukro
Not a second to waste! The journey begins with a dude who definitely isn't Vega. And before you're all, "wait, isn't thi... Read more
23 Oct 2018
Ranked #2

Ep. 2: The One Inside Inebrio's (Part 1)
Ep. 2: The One Inside Inebrio's (Part 1)
Two words. Or rather, one long, hyphenated word. World-building. But make it fashun! In this episode, Vega finds herself... Read more
23 Oct 2018
Ranked #3

Ep. 6: The One with the SiVan Priest
Ep. 6: The One with the SiVan Priest
Vega got knocked out last time and how does that saying go again? While the cat's asleep, the mouse jumps in a time mach... Read more
15 Mar 2019
Ranked #4

Ep. 3: The One Inside Inebrio's (Part 2)
Ep. 3: The One Inside Inebrio's (Part 2)
Animus. That's the name to remember. If nothing else about this next twenty minutes of story, you gon' remember that. Af... Read more
2 Nov 2018
Ranked #5

Ep. 4: The One with the League Council
Ep. 4: The One with the League Council
Remember when Vega was talking about having her buttcheeks carefully sizzled off by her bosses, the League Council, for ... Read more
15 Nov 2018