Ranked #1

Episode 19.4: The Judicial Law
Episode 19.4: The Judicial Law
What are the previous laws we’ve talked about? What did the assembly mean by “body politic”? What does it mean that thos... Read more
19 Aug 2019
Ranked #2

Episode 21.1: The Regulative Principle of Worship
Episode 21.1: The Regulative Principle of Worship
What is the light of nature and how is it a source of revelation? What does the light of nature teach us about the chara... Read more
3 Dec 2019
Ranked #3

Episode 16.2: Evidence of Good Works
Episode 16.2: Evidence of Good Works
What does the Confession mean that good works are done in obedience to God’s command? What are the essential characteris... Read more
21 Jan 2019
Ranked #4

Episode 8.2: The Two Natures of Christ
Episode 8.2: The Two Natures of Christ
What are some of the heresies rejected by this paragraph? Where does the language “very and eternal God” come from and w... Read more
2 Apr 2018
Ranked #5

Episode 18.4: Assurance Shaken and Diminished
Episode 18.4: Assurance Shaken and Diminished
What does negligence of assurance look like and are there biblical examples? What is “special sin”? What does it look li... Read more
9 Jul 2019
Ranked #6

Episode 10.3: Elect Infants
Episode 10.3: Elect Infants
Why include this paragraph in a chapter on effectual calling? What does this paragraph teach regarding the regeneration ... Read more
30 Jul 2018
Ranked #7

Episode 18.2: An Infallible Assurance
Episode 18.2: An Infallible Assurance
Can you define assurance? What is our certainty not to be compared to? How do you describe the certainty of assurance? W... Read more
21 May 2019
Ranked #8

Episode 8.6: The Virtue and Efficacy of Christ’s Redemption
Episode 8.6: The Virtue and Efficacy of Christ’s Redemption
What are the differences between this paragraph and those found in chapter 7? What does the Confession mean by “communic... Read more
7 May 2018
Ranked #9

Episode 20.1: Christian Freedom
Episode 20.1: Christian Freedom
Why do Christians usually think of liberty as a New Testament and not an Old Testament concept? Discuss our freedom in j... Read more
29 Oct 2019
Ranked #10

Episode 16.4: Supererogatory Works
Episode 16.4: Supererogatory Works
As a background to this paragraph can you discuss the Roman Catholic teaching on sainthood and supererogatory works? Wha... Read more
18 Feb 2019
Ranked #11

Episode 7.1: God’s Covenants
Episode 7.1: God’s Covenants
What is the “distance” between God and man? Why do “reasonable creatures” owe obedience to God? Is there a general owner... Read more
22 Jan 2018
Ranked #12

Episode 8.5: Obedience and Suffering
Episode 8.5: Obedience and Suffering
Can you explain the terms “active” and “passive” obedience? Can you historically explain the question(s) about the activ... Read more
30 Apr 2018
Ranked #13

Episode 16.1: Definition of Good Works
Episode 16.1: Definition of Good Works
What is Antinomianism and what relationship does it have to this paragraph? Can you discuss the placement of this paragr... Read more
14 Jan 2019
Ranked #14

Episode 7.2: The Covenant of Works
Episode 7.2: The Covenant of Works
What is a covenant? What are the parts of a covenant? Where in Scripture would you go to understand the covenant of work... Read more
29 Jan 2018
Ranked #15

Episode 7.3: The Covenant of Grace
Episode 7.3: The Covenant of Grace
What is a covenant and what are its parts? Why is it important to remind people that life can no longer be found through... Read more
5 Feb 2018
Ranked #16

Episode 18.1: The Certainty of Assurance
Episode 18.1: The Certainty of Assurance
What’s the background to this chapter? Why is it so special to us? How do you define “assurance”? What is “false hope” a... Read more
14 May 2019
Ranked #17

Episode 10.2: The Grace of the Call
Episode 10.2: The Grace of the Call
How does this paragraph complement the chapter on God’s decree? What is grace? Why use the adjectives “special” and “fre... Read more
23 Jul 2018
Ranked #18

Episode 14.1: Saving Faith Defined
Episode 14.1: Saving Faith Defined
How does chapter 14 provide a transition in the flow of the confession? What is faith? Why add the adjective “saving,” i... Read more
22 Oct 2018
Ranked #19

Episode 7.4: A Testament and Testator
Episode 7.4: A Testament and Testator
What is a “testament” and “testator”? Why is it important to retain this language? How does this help us understand the ... Read more
12 Feb 2018
Ranked #20

Episode 13.1: Sanctification Defined
Episode 13.1: Sanctification Defined
What is the ordo salutis and why is it helpful? How is sanctification connected to the life and death of Jesus? Can you ... Read more
1 Oct 2018