2 Podcast Episodes
Much to my husband's chagrin I've discovered Animal Crossing w/ Jesse Gephart
Much to my husband's chagrin I've discovered Animal Crossing w/ Jesse Gephart
Ben and Jenn chat with Jesse Gephart about Theater online and raising chickens. *Recorded 5.14.20
9 Jul 2020
Ep. 26: Jesse Gephart on Directing Theatre Raleigh’s ‘I Am My Own Wife’ and Susan Steadman on NC 10 by 10
Ep. 26: Jesse Gephart on Directing Theatre Raleigh’s ‘I Am My Own Wife’ and Susan Steadman on NC 10 by 10
Today’s podcast is divided into two parts, two conversations with two theater-makers who couldn’t be more different. But... Read more
30 Jun 2019