5 minute summaries

1 quote, 3 ideas & 1 question from each episode


Podcast cover


Oprah's Super Soul

12 May 2021



Owltail Summaries

1 quote, 3 ideas & 1 question from each episode



12 May 2021



"You are not your circumstances. You are your possibilities"



When you genuinely want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.
In a world where people are searching for genuine meaning and authenticity, it is through pure intentions that you bring people together.

If you have pure intentions, with an unwavering belief and work ethic to achieve something, others around you who share that vision will aim to help you along your way.


When you genuinely want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.
In a world where people are searching for genuine meaning and authenticity, it is through pure intentions that you bring people together.

If you have pure intentions, with an unwavering belief and work ethic to achieve something, others around you who share that vision will aim to help you along your way.


There's a central piece of each of us that makes decisions.
And every time we make a decision, or have an experience, we turn that core piece of ourselves into something more elevated, or something more degraded.

If you make disciplined choices, you slowly engrave a certain set of habits inside that core piece. If you make fragmented decisions, you slowly degrade that core piece.

What people with good character have is consistency over time of good decisions.


There's a central piece of each of us that makes decisions.
And every time we make a decision, or have an experience, we turn that core piece of ourselves into something more elevated, or something more degraded.

If you make disciplined choices, you slowly engrave a certain set of habits inside that core piece. If you make fragmented decisions, you slowly degrade that core piece.

What people with good character have is consistency over time of good decisions.


Life without challenges, is a life without progress.
We don't pray for a life without challenges, but we do pray for challenges that can help bring out the potential within us.

Our potential is always bigger than the problem that we're going through, we just need to be able to bring it out.


Life without challenges, is a life without progress.
We don't pray for a life without challenges, but we do pray for challenges that can help bring out the potential within us.

Our potential is always bigger than the problem that we're going through, we just need to be able to bring it out.



Can you think of consistent decisions that made you into the character that you are today?


Can you think of consistent decisions that made you into the character that you are today?

What else is in the episode


How everyone deserves but can also create their own miracles


How everyone deserves but can also create their own miracles


How through sharing hard and deep stories helps others as much as it helps yourself


How through sharing hard and deep stories helps others as much as it helps yourself


How the best songs don't come from the artist, but come through the artist


How the best songs don't come from the artist, but come through the artist

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