5 minute summaries

1 quote, 3 ideas & 1 question from each episode


Podcast cover

Living the Questions — We’ve been enmeshed with our technologies. Tech Shabbat for everyone?

On Being with Krista Tippett

3 May 2021


Owltail Summaries

1 quote, 3 ideas & 1 question from each episode


Living the Questions — We’ve been enmeshed with our technologies. Tech Shabbat for everyone?

3 May 2021



"How we spend our days, is how we spend our lives"



During the pandemic, when we've had to be on our screens 10 times more, the time in which we're off the screens, also becomes 10 times more important.
We often fill too much of our waking moments with stimulation and input, what we need is time to digest & reflect.


During the pandemic, when we've had to be on our screens 10 times more, the time in which we're off the screens, also becomes 10 times more important.
We often fill too much of our waking moments with stimulation and input, what we need is time to digest & reflect.


Nothing replaces real human connection.
As much convenience and value there is in being able to connect with people online through video conferences, it simply isn't the same as in person interactions.

Small things such as the physical presence, touch and/or eye contact, are things that simply can't be emulated online.

So as our world returns to normal, we need to prioritize opportunities for real life interactions, as opposed to default to the convenience of technology.


Nothing replaces real human connection.
As much convenience and value there is in being able to connect with people online through video conferences, it simply isn't the same as in person interactions.

Small things such as the physical presence, touch and/or eye contact, are things that simply can't be emulated online.

So as our world returns to normal, we need to prioritize opportunities for real life interactions, as opposed to default to the convenience of technology.


Boredom is the runway of creativity.
To be bored is to be uncomfortable, and it is on the edge of the uncomfortable, that lives the incredible creative world.

We have to give ourselves the space to allow for creativity to flourish.


Boredom is the runway of creativity.
To be bored is to be uncomfortable, and it is on the edge of the uncomfortable, that lives the incredible creative world.

We have to give ourselves the space to allow for creativity to flourish.



Can you think of a time or situation where you could use less technology?


Can you think of a time or situation where you could use less technology?

What else is in the episode


The value of a tech shabbat - one day without technology


The value of a tech shabbat - one day without technology


How we're ultimately the curator of our brains.


How we're ultimately the curator of our brains.


How we need to move our lives and mind off leash.


How we need to move our lives and mind off leash.

Who is Tiffany Shlain?


A filmmaker & co-founder of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. She's also the author of 24/6: Giving up Screens One Day a Week to Get More Time, Creativity, and Connection.


A filmmaker & co-founder of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. She's also the author of 24/6: Giving up Screens One Day a Week to Get More Time, Creativity, and Connection.

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