5 minute summaries

1 quote, 3 ideas & 1 question from each episode


Podcast cover

The Fake Bride

Hidden Brain

10 May 2021


Owltail Summaries

1 quote, 3 ideas & 1 question from each episode


The Fake Bride

10 May 2021



"If you want to know what's real, of love, of life, of loyalty, put it through the greatest test: Time"



Sometimes when we don't think for ourselves or have the ability to stand up for ourselves, it feels like someone else is writing your story or shaping how you act.
Usually, when this happens, it's because of other people or the outside world, but often, a big part of these external forces are amplified by our own minds. The rules that we've been taught and the way in which we react to certain situations ultimately determine our ability to self author versus having someone else controlling what we do.


Sometimes when we don't think for ourselves or have the ability to stand up for ourselves, it feels like someone else is writing your story or shaping how you act.
Usually, when this happens, it's because of other people or the outside world, but often, a big part of these external forces are amplified by our own minds. The rules that we've been taught and the way in which we react to certain situations ultimately determine our ability to self author versus having someone else controlling what we do.


When everyone around you believes something, says something or acts in a certain way, it's hard to step outside the shared narrative.
Over time, the more people that fail to question the unfolding narrative, the more that story gathers momentum and the harder it becomes to stop.


When everyone around you believes something, says something or acts in a certain way, it's hard to step outside the shared narrative.
Over time, the more people that fail to question the unfolding narrative, the more that story gathers momentum and the harder it becomes to stop.


Letting something small slip that we don't like or disagree with is okay, only if there's no potential for it to turn into something bigger.
But more often than not, a small thing repeated turns into a medium, and a medium into a large. And at some point, we hit a breaking point, and what was once small that was acceptable becomes something large that isn't.


Letting something small slip that we don't like or disagree with is okay, only if there's no potential for it to turn into something bigger.
But more often than not, a small thing repeated turns into a medium, and a medium into a large. And at some point, we hit a breaking point, and what was once small that was acceptable becomes something large that isn't.



Have you ever felt like someone else is writing your story, controlling what you do, or shaping how you act?


Have you ever felt like someone else is writing your story, controlling what you do, or shaping how you act?

What else is in the episode


The surreal tale about a woman who became a reluctant character in someone else's love story. How it was her upbringing that shaped her into succumbing to this character, and how she finally broke free.


The surreal tale about a woman who became a reluctant character in someone else's love story. How it was her upbringing that shaped her into succumbing to this character, and how she finally broke free.

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