Ranked #1

1. Programming Abstractions Lecture 1
1. Programming Abstractions Lecture 1
Julie Zelenski gives an introduction to the course, recursion, algorithms, dynamic data structures and data abstraction;... Read more
23 Jul 2008
Ranked #2

14. Programming Abstractions Lecture 14
14. Programming Abstractions Lecture 14
Julie starts off with algorithm analysis, the big-O notation and introduces sorting. She begins off with a brief overvie... Read more
23 Jul 2008
Ranked #3

2. Programming Abstractions Lecture 2
2. Programming Abstractions Lecture 2
Julie describes the similarities between C++ and Java, which include general syntax, primitive variable types, operators... Read more
23 Jul 2008
Ranked #4

3. Programming Abstractions Lecture 3
3. Programming Abstractions Lecture 3
Julie goes over C++ libraries and explains what they are and how they are useful. She continues to introduce C++ basic... Read more
23 Jul 2008
Ranked #5

15. Programming Abstractions Lecture 15
15. Programming Abstractions Lecture 15
Julie continues to cover sorting. She begins with an example of a selection sorting code and a graphic demo of the code ... Read more
23 Jul 2008
Ranked #6

19. Programming Abstractions Lecture 19
19. Programming Abstractions Lecture 19
Julie reiterates the rules for template implementers and continues by coding live with the class explaining each line of... Read more
23 Jul 2008
Ranked #7

16. Programming Abstractions Lecture 16
16. Programming Abstractions Lecture 16
Julie continues with sorting, specifically quadratic and linearithmic sorting methods, and then explains how to reasonab... Read more
23 Jul 2008
Ranked #8

18. Programming Abstractions Lecture 18
18. Programming Abstractions Lecture 18
Julie introduces the 'implement vector' and discusses ADTs (abstract data types) in more detail. She then develops a Vec... Read more
23 Jul 2008
Ranked #9

20. Programming Abstractions Lecture 20
20. Programming Abstractions Lecture 20
Julie continues discussing Vector and moves on to stack and queue, covering chapter ten in the course textbook. She goes... Read more
23 Jul 2008
Ranked #10

4. Programming Abstractions Lecture 4
4. Programming Abstractions Lecture 4
Julie continues to cover the console input/output in C++ and discusses the file I/O and changing between an old style st... Read more
23 Jul 2008