Ranked #1

Season 2, Ep 1. The one about the royals, hairdresser wine and the death of good French cheese.
Season 2, Ep 1. The one about the royals, hairdresser wine and the death of good French cheese.
They're back and this week Claire and Lisa are discussing Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina candle, vent buddies and the strength... Read more
22 Jan 2020
Ranked #2

32. The one about whether pets are good for you and celebrity Christmas albums.
32. The one about whether pets are good for you and celebrity Christmas albums.
This week Claire and Lisa continue their riveting convo about salad, discuss Christmas albums made by rock stars, talk a... Read more
13 Nov 2019
Ranked #3

6: Be afraid -- white jeans are back!
6: Be afraid -- white jeans are back!
Join Claire and Lisa as they realise the terror of white jeans being back in fashion, chat about being work wives, chang... Read more
15 May 2019
Ranked #4

4: Excuse me, you've had too much botox...
4: Excuse me, you've had too much botox...
This week, Claire and Lisa talk hangovers after 50, Tupperware and "wisdom hair" and ask the question, would you tell so... Read more
1 May 2019
Ranked #5

3: Do you have decision fatigue? Or can't you decide?
3: Do you have decision fatigue? Or can't you decide?
This week: Claire and Lisa talk about the importance of Googlebox, making pop culture references that no one gets and wh... Read more
24 Apr 2019
Ranked #6

9: Do you have age dysmorphia? Are you a "mum on the run"? Let's see, shall we?
9: Do you have age dysmorphia? Are you a "mum on the run"? Let's see, shall we?
This week join Claire and Lisa as they tackle dating over 45, changing your perfume as you get older and why going out w... Read more
5 Jun 2019
Ranked #7

20. The one about walking being a superpower and choosing your side of the bed.
20. The one about walking being a superpower and choosing your side of the bed.
This week, Lisa and Claire discuss how walking makes them heroes, weigh up the pros and cons of Ooshies and Little Shop ... Read more
21 Aug 2019
Ranked #8

19. The one about women's toilets and why we love a grazing table.
19. The one about women's toilets and why we love a grazing table.
This week, Claire and Lisa talk about men designing women's loos, the wonder of grazing tables, stopping the M word in ... Read more
14 Aug 2019
Ranked #9

5: Just WTF are smoothie bowls?
5: Just WTF are smoothie bowls?
This week Claire and Lisa tackle the "emotional load" at home, overpriced cocktails and smoothie bowls and ask the quest... Read more
8 May 2019
Ranked #10

29: The one that asks, could you be a "cleanfluencer" and tells you how to make a good cup of tea.
29: The one that asks, could you be a "cleanfluencer" and tells you how to make a good cup of tea.
This week Claire and Lisa talk about the rise of the "cleanfluencer", those memes that suck you every time and how to ma... Read more
23 Oct 2019
Ranked #11

23. The one about mules, bears and meerkats, and why you can't lift a kettle after surgery.
23. The one about mules, bears and meerkats, and why you can't lift a kettle after surgery.
This week Claire and Lisa discuss the return of mules and why some of us can't wear them, talk about the phenomenon of c... Read more
11 Sep 2019
Ranked #12

17. On Naomi Campbell's cleaning routine and enjoying Hope Punk (whatever that is)
17. On Naomi Campbell's cleaning routine and enjoying Hope Punk (whatever that is)
This week, Claire and Lisa discuss the phenomenon of Hope Punk TV, humble bragging, their horror at the Cats trailer, sa... Read more
31 Jul 2019
Ranked #13

24. The one where fruit can be exhausting and why you may need to wear headphones at work.
24. The one where fruit can be exhausting and why you may need to wear headphones at work.
This week Claire and Lisa talk about the dangers of eating big apples and wearing headphones to block out your coworkers... Read more
18 Sep 2019
Ranked #14

31. The one about salad spinners and concern trolling.
31. The one about salad spinners and concern trolling.
This week, Claire and Lisa discuss the phenomenon of "concern trolling" and what that means, the joy of a good salad spi... Read more
6 Nov 2019
Ranked #15

18. The one about the new hair cut we all want and why we'd suck at Survivor
18. The one about the new hair cut we all want and why we'd suck at Survivor
This week, join Claire and Lisa in their middle-aged love of Michael McIntyre; ask, "Am I losing the plot?"; find it hid... Read more
7 Aug 2019
Ranked #16

30: The one about the mystery of bathroom taps and hangovers being an illness.
30: The one about the mystery of bathroom taps and hangovers being an illness.
This week Claire and Lisa talk about hangovers and how they're actually a proper illness, discuss those taps you don't k... Read more
30 Oct 2019
Ranked #17

33. The one about tradies, singing to the NRMA and a 4-day working week.
33. The one about tradies, singing to the NRMA and a 4-day working week.
This week Claire and Lisa discuss buying a new car, losing the plot by singing on the phone, Morning Wars, tradies takin... Read more
20 Nov 2019
Ranked #18

S2. Ep 4. The one about paper plates, cleaning products and the song you'd like to be cremated to.
S2. Ep 4. The one about paper plates, cleaning products and the song you'd like to be cremated to.
This week, Claire and Lisa talk about using paper plates, the song they'd play to get cremated to, Unidentified Sleeping... Read more
12 Feb 2020
Ranked #19

37. It's the final show for the year so let's talk about poo. Also rebellious hair, and how to say no (and mean it)
37. It's the final show for the year so let's talk about poo. Also rebellious hair, and how to say no (and mean it)
This is the final episode for 2019 so Claire and Lisa go big. They chat about women with rebellious hair, the Finnish pr... Read more
18 Dec 2019
Ranked #20

28: The one about kissing at work and if you should do it, men and maturity, and being an instant unpacker.
28: The one about kissing at work and if you should do it, men and maturity, and being an instant unpacker.
This week Claire and Lisa talk World Menopause Day and Oprah's guide to it all, unpacking as soon as you get home from h... Read more
16 Oct 2019