Ranked #1

Lecture 21: Convolution formula: proof, connection with Laplace transform, application to physical problems
Lecture 21: Convolution formula: proof, connection with Laplace transform, application to physical problems
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #2

Lecture 26: Continuation: repeated real eigenvalues, complex eigenvalues
Lecture 26: Continuation: repeated real eigenvalues, complex eigenvalues
29 Jun 2015
Similar Podcasts
Ranked #3

Lecture 25: Homogeneous linear systems with constant coefficients: solution via matrix eigenvalues (real and distinct case)
Lecture 25: Homogeneous linear systems with constant coefficients: solution via matrix eigenvalues (real and distinct case)
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #4

Lecture 24: Introduction to first-order systems of ODE's; solution by elimination, geometric interpretation of a system
Lecture 24: Introduction to first-order systems of ODE's; solution by elimination, geometric interpretation of a system
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #5

Lecture 27: Sketching solutions of 2x2 homogeneous linear system with constant coefficients
Lecture 27: Sketching solutions of 2x2 homogeneous linear system with constant coefficients
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #6

Lecture 30: Decoupling linear systems with constant coefficients
Lecture 30: Decoupling linear systems with constant coefficients
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #7

Lecture 20: Derivative formulas; using the Laplace transform to solve linear ODE's
Lecture 20: Derivative formulas; using the Laplace transform to solve linear ODE's
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #8

Lecture 29: Matrix exponentials; application to solving systems
Lecture 29: Matrix exponentials; application to solving systems
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #9

Lecture 31: Non-linear autonomous systems: finding the critical points and sketching trajectories; the non-linear pendulum
Lecture 31: Non-linear autonomous systems: finding the critical points and sketching trajectories; the non-linear pendulum
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #10

Lecture 19: Introduction to the Laplace transform; basic formulas
Lecture 19: Introduction to the Laplace transform; basic formulas
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #11

Lecture 22: Using Laplace transform to solve ODE's with discontinuous inputs
Lecture 22: Using Laplace transform to solve ODE's with discontinuous inputs
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #12

Lecture 32: Limit cycles: existence and non-existence criteria
Lecture 32: Limit cycles: existence and non-existence criteria
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #13

Lecture 17: Finding particular solutions via Fourier series; resonant terms;hearing musical sounds
Lecture 17: Finding particular solutions via Fourier series; resonant terms;hearing musical sounds
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #14

Lecture 16: Continuation: more general periods; even and odd functions; periodic extension
Lecture 16: Continuation: more general periods; even and odd functions; periodic extension
29 Jun 2015
Ranked #15

Lecture 15: Introduction to Fourier series; basic formulas for period 2(pi)
Lecture 15: Introduction to Fourier series; basic formulas for period 2(pi)
29 Jun 2015