Ranked #1

Lecture 2-part 2: Compressibility, vapor pressure, cavitation, and the pistol shrimp
Lecture 2-part 2: Compressibility, vapor pressure, cavitation, and the pistol shrimp
18 Sep 2010
Ranked #2

Lecture 1-theory supplement: Viscosity and shearing stress.
Lecture 1-theory supplement: Viscosity and shearing stress.
9 Sep 2010
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Ranked #3

Lecture 2-part 1: Non-Newtonian fluids; oobleck and leaping shampoo.
Lecture 2-part 1: Non-Newtonian fluids; oobleck and leaping shampoo.
17 Sep 2010
Ranked #4

Lecture 20-part 1: Introduction to CFD; the basic ingredients (model, discretization, analysis, solution).
Lecture 20-part 1: Introduction to CFD; the basic ingredients (model, discretization, analysis, solution).
1 Dec 2010
Ranked #5

Lecture 20-part 2: The finite difference method. Simplified model equations.
Lecture 20-part 2: The finite difference method. Simplified model equations.
1 Dec 2010
Ranked #6

Lecture 19-part 1: Piping systems, three types of problems. Examples.
Lecture 19-part 1: Piping systems, three types of problems. Examples.
28 Nov 2010
Ranked #7

Lecture 3-part 1: Surface tension, and the feeding habit of the phalaropes
Lecture 3-part 1: Surface tension, and the feeding habit of the phalaropes
27 Sep 2010
Ranked #8

Lecture 18-part 1: Pipe flow; laminar results; inclined pipes. Energy required to pump through a pipe.
Lecture 18-part 1: Pipe flow; laminar results; inclined pipes. Energy required to pump through a pipe.
26 Nov 2010
Ranked #9

Lecture 17-part 2: Boundary layer equations, Prandtl-Blasius solution; turbulent boundary layer. Introduction to CFD.
Lecture 17-part 2: Boundary layer equations, Prandtl-Blasius solution; turbulent boundary layer. Introduction to CFD.
25 Nov 2010
Ranked #10

Lecture 17-part 1: Conversation about mathematics. Streamfunction. Boundary layer.
Lecture 17-part 1: Conversation about mathematics. Streamfunction. Boundary layer.
25 Nov 2010
Ranked #11

Lecture 16-part 2: Poiseuille flow (cont.). The streamfunction.
Lecture 16-part 2: Poiseuille flow (cont.). The streamfunction.
25 Nov 2010
Ranked #12

Lecture 16-part 1: Review: planar Poiseuille & Couette flow. Taylor-Couette flow. Poiseuille flow in a pipe.
Lecture 16-part 1: Review: planar Poiseuille & Couette flow. Taylor-Couette flow. Poiseuille flow in a pipe.
22 Nov 2010
Ranked #13

Lecture 15-part 1: Inertial and viscous effects. Stokes flow (creeping flow). Laminar vs. turbulent: Reynolds experiment.
Lecture 15-part 1: Inertial and viscous effects. Stokes flow (creeping flow). Laminar vs. turbulent: Reynolds experiment.
22 Nov 2010
Ranked #14

Lecture 14-part 2: Navier-Stokes, simplified forms for particular flow situations. Laminar vs. Turbulent flow. Reynolds numbe
Lecture 14-part 2: Navier-Stokes, simplified forms for particular flow situations. Laminar vs. Turbulent flow. Reynolds numbe
22 Nov 2010
Ranked #15

Lecture 14-part 1: The Navier-Stokes equations. Examples of simplifying the equations for certain cases.
Lecture 14-part 1: The Navier-Stokes equations. Examples of simplifying the equations for certain cases.
16 Nov 2010
Ranked #16

Lecture 13-part 2: Equations of motion in differential form. Euler's equation.
Lecture 13-part 2: Equations of motion in differential form. Euler's equation.
15 Nov 2010
Ranked #17

Lecture 13-part 1: Introduction to differential analysis of fluid motion; derivation of Continuity equation.
Lecture 13-part 1: Introduction to differential analysis of fluid motion; derivation of Continuity equation.
15 Nov 2010
Ranked #18

Lecture 12-part 2: Rocket example. Proper derivation of Bernoulli equation. Newton's law perpendicular to a streamline.
Lecture 12-part 2: Rocket example. Proper derivation of Bernoulli equation. Newton's law perpendicular to a streamline.
1 Nov 2010
Ranked #19

Lecture 12-part 1: Momentum equation for moving or accelerating control volume. The rocket equation.
Lecture 12-part 1: Momentum equation for moving or accelerating control volume. The rocket equation.
28 Oct 2010
Ranked #20

Lecture 11-part 2: Example: a wind turbine; the Betz limit.
Lecture 11-part 2: Example: a wind turbine; the Betz limit.
26 Oct 2010