Ranked #1

CIA Black Site List & Oppenheimer Truth - Gov Secs Ep 129
CIA Black Site List & Oppenheimer Truth - Gov Secs Ep 129
Graham reads the list of CIA black sites, many of which were places he has permormed at. Lee shows all the truth from Op... Read more
1 Aug 2023
Ranked #2

El Mazote Massacre and Emma Goldman - Gov Secs Ep 128
El Mazote Massacre and Emma Goldman - Gov Secs Ep 128
Graham talks about the US backed massacre in El Salvador. Lee tells the tale of activist Emma Goldman.
27 Jul 2023
Ranked #3

US Tried To Deport Radicals & El Salvador Update - Gov Secs Ep 127
US Tried To Deport Radicals & El Salvador Update - Gov Secs Ep 127
Graham talks about going to El Salvador. Lee tells us about the US deporting radicals in the early 1900's.
11 Jul 2023
1hr 3mins
Ranked #4

CIA In Nicaragua & NASA Moon Virus - Gov Secs Ep 126
CIA In Nicaragua & NASA Moon Virus - Gov Secs Ep 126
Graham tells a fun story about the CIA in Nicaragua. Lee warms our hearts with how NASA almost killed everyone.
10 Jul 2023
Ranked #5

Assassination of Orlando Letelier Operation Condor - Gov Secs Ep 125
Assassination of Orlando Letelier Operation Condor - Gov Secs Ep 125
Graham talks about Operation Condor and Lee shows how great the FBI is.
8 Jul 2023
1hr 8mins
Ranked #6

Grass Lawn Lies & Coal Mine Massacre - Gov Secs Ep 124
Grass Lawn Lies & Coal Mine Massacre - Gov Secs Ep 124
Lee gives the history of front lawns in the US. Graham talks about a coal mine masacre.
7 Jul 2023
Ranked #7

Fire Ants At Gitmo & 1792 Market Collapse - Gov Secs Ep 123
Fire Ants At Gitmo & 1792 Market Collapse - Gov Secs Ep 123
Lee shows how fire ants were used for interrigation. Graham breaks down the first market collpse in the US.
7 Jul 2023
1hr 6mins
Ranked #8

James Angleton & USS Scorpion - Gov Secs Ep 122
James Angleton & USS Scorpion - Gov Secs Ep 122
Lee goes deep on CIA creep James Angleton. Graham talks about the USS Scorpion and how its nukes are still missing.
24 May 2023
1hr 3mins
Ranked #9

Brits Bomb Jews & CIA UFO Lies! - Gov Secs Ep 121
Brits Bomb Jews & CIA UFO Lies! - Gov Secs Ep 121
Lee gives the embarassing story about the Britsh bombing Jews in 1947. Graham shows how the CIA has lied about UFO's for... Read more
22 May 2023
1hr 6mins
Ranked #10

Monsanto & Bayer Get Married! & Operation Chrome Dome - Gov Secs Ep 120
Monsanto & Bayer Get Married! & Operation Chrome Dome - Gov Secs Ep 120
Lee goes into deatail about Monsanto and Bayer's rich history. Graham has fun learning about more lost nukes in Operatio... Read more
22 May 2023