Ranked #1

Inferno 1
Inferno 1
Dante frightened by his plight, terrorised by strange beasts, discovers a guide.
24 Jan 2020
Ranked #2

Purgatorio 3
Purgatorio 3
Virgil is troubled. They encounter slowly moving souls, and search for an entry onto the mountain.
21 Apr 2020
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Ranked #3

Purgatorio 1
Purgatorio 1
Virgil and Dante are in a world of freshness and hope, sunlight and stars, but also strangeness and novelty.
15 Apr 2020
Ranked #4

Purgatorio 2
Purgatorio 2
As the sun rises, an angel speeds towards them, bringing a friend and a tense sense of tremendous things.
18 Apr 2020
Ranked #5

Inferno 3
Inferno 3
Dante and Virgil pass through the gates of hell and enter the vestibule to encounter anxious souls.
25 Jan 2020
Ranked #6

Inferno 4
Inferno 4
Virgil leads Dante into the first circle of hell where they meet souls who didn't live their lives, as well as pagan poe... Read more
28 Jan 2020
Ranked #7

Inferno 34
Inferno 34
The last canto of the Inferno sees Dante and Virgil face to face with Lucifer, before a surprising turnaround.
7 Apr 2020
Ranked #8

Inferno 2
Inferno 2
Dante wavers and Virgil reveals why he is here.
25 Jan 2020
Ranked #9

Purgatorio 5
Purgatorio 5
At first distracted by the indolent, they encounter a new group of agitated souls, though keep their focus.
25 Apr 2020
Ranked #10

Purgatorio 11
Purgatorio 11
With the souls carrying heavy burdens, Dante speaks with them. He learns about the gordian knot of pride.
9 May 2020
Ranked #11

Purgatorio 10
Purgatorio 10
In Purgatory proper, a zig-zagging path leads to a terrace of beautiful images and burdened souls.
6 May 2020
Ranked #12

Purgatorio 9
Purgatorio 9
Dante falls asleep and dreams. It's erotic, transformative, and leads to the gate and the gatekeeper of Purgatory.
3 May 2020
Ranked #13

Purgatorio 8
Purgatorio 8
Still in the lovely valley of the rulers, angels and a serpent dramatically appear, though oddly no-one's concerned.
2 May 2020
Ranked #14

Purgatorio 7
Purgatorio 7
Virgil and Sordello embrace again, before Sordello explains they must find a safe place for the night.
28 Apr 2020
Ranked #15

Inferno 33
Inferno 33
Dante and Virgil encounter Count Ugolino deeper in Cocytus, as well as the souls of the living dead.
6 Apr 2020
Ranked #16

Inferno 32
Inferno 32
Seeking heavenly help to find the true words, Dante steps into Cocytus, revealed as a reality of imprisoning, deadening ... Read more
4 Apr 2020
Ranked #17

Inferno 31
Inferno 31
Virgil and Dante wander into a grey zone, hear an ominous horn, and encounter the terrible giants.
2 Apr 2020
Ranked #18

Inferno 30
Inferno 30
Minds and bodies themselves begin to disintegrate in souls driven rabid and feverish by playing god in life.
31 Mar 2020
Ranked #19

Inferno 29
Inferno 29
Dante and Virgil argue, divided, and then walk to the tenth bolgia. It's infected with the pestilence of denuded nature ... Read more
28 Mar 2020
Ranked #20

Inferno 28
Inferno 28
The ninth bolgia entombs figures Dante sees as schismatic in life, now rent asunder themselves.
26 Mar 2020