Salt of Urph EP 1: Kezra's Cavern (Part 1)
Salt of Urph EP 1: Kezra's Cavern (Part 1)
Meet Tarquin a noble rogue, Styx a half-orc bard, Ruth a ranger of the woods and Lumpkin a teddy-bear barbarian as they ... Read more
27 Oct 2019

Salt of Urph EP 1: Kezra's Cavern (Part 2)
Salt of Urph EP 1: Kezra's Cavern (Part 2)
Meet Tarquin a noble rogue, Styx a half-orc bard, Ruth a ranger of the woods and Lumpkin a teddy-bear barbarian as they ... Read more
3 Nov 2019

Salt of Urph EP 2: Half-Orc Bums and Goblin Thumbs
Salt of Urph EP 2: Half-Orc Bums and Goblin Thumbs
After coming into conflict with a trio of kobolds, the party investigates the origin of an explosion from that came from... Read more
11 Nov 2019

Salt of Urph EP 3: Discovering Bugrull
Salt of Urph EP 3: Discovering Bugrull
Having been set on their quest by the steely Mrs Slayde, the party follow the kobolds to the nearby village, where, they... Read more
25 Nov 2019

Salt of Urph EP 4: Probably Kobolds
Salt of Urph EP 4: Probably Kobolds
The players know that the three cloaked kobold sized figures are probably kobolds by now but that means nothing until th... Read more
9 Dec 2019

Salt of Urph EP 5: Ruthless Negotiations
Salt of Urph EP 5: Ruthless Negotiations
With Ruth held hostage the remaining party members put their skills together and form a plan to rescue their friend... a... Read more
23 Dec 2019

Salt of Urph EP 6: Both the Players and the DMs Screw Up Horribly and Half the Party Almost Dies
Salt of Urph EP 6: Both the Players and the DMs Screw Up Horribly and Half the Party Almost Dies
Kezra the dragon pursues the party as they try to escape with half a dozen wagons of her stuff. Warning: There is an un... Read more
6 Jan 2020

Salt of Urph EP 7: Exit, pursued by Owlbears
Salt of Urph EP 7: Exit, pursued by Owlbears
Two weeks since their departure from Bugrull, the party find themselves deep in the southern forests of Innovsfall. Unbe... Read more
20 Jan 2020

Salt of Urph EP 8: Love and Blood [Whoops Edition]
Salt of Urph EP 8: Love and Blood [Whoops Edition]
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter... Read more
3 Feb 2020

Salt of Urph EP 9: The Children of Papa Ahtsi
Salt of Urph EP 9: The Children of Papa Ahtsi
After returning to the caravan to find their allies under attack from a flock of winged kobolds, the party try to regain... Read more
17 Feb 2020
1hr 3mins