Ranked #1

Game of Thrones S5E4 review: "Sons of the Harpy" (TeeVee 68)
Game of Thrones S5E4 review: "Sons of the Harpy" (TeeVee 68)
Brian and Jason meet in person and watch an episode, and are joined in commentary by Dan Moren and Tony Sindelar! Lots o... Read more
4 May 2015
Ranked #2

"Game of Thrones" S1E1 Rewind: "Winter is Coming" (TeeVee 452)
"Game of Thrones" S1E1 Rewind: "Winter is Coming" (TeeVee 452)
Jason, Monty, and Brian fill the massive gap between seasons by going back to the beginning. Yes, it’s time for a re-wat... Read more
7 Aug 2018
Ranked #3

"Game of Thrones" S1E2 Rewind: "The Kingsroad" (TeeVee 453)
"Game of Thrones" S1E2 Rewind: "The Kingsroad" (TeeVee 453)
Our re-watch of the first season of “Game of Thrones” reaches its surprisingly key second episode, where Ned tells Jon h... Read more
13 Aug 2018
Ranked #4

Game of Thrones S1E3 Rewind: "Lord Snow" (TeeVee 454)
Game of Thrones S1E3 Rewind: "Lord Snow" (TeeVee 454)
Our (spoiler-filled) rewatch of Season 1 of “Game of Thrones” continues with the incredibly dense third episode, in whic... Read more
21 Aug 2018
Ranked #5

Game of Thrones S1E4 Rewind: "Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things" (TeeVee 455)
Game of Thrones S1E4 Rewind: "Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things" (TeeVee 455)
Kathy Campbell joins Jason and Monty in our spoiler-filled rewatch of season one of “Game of Thrones.” In this episode, ... Read more
26 Aug 2018
Ranked #6

Game of Thrones S8E1 Review: "Winterfell" (TeeVee 555)
Game of Thrones S8E1 Review: "Winterfell" (TeeVee 555)
It’s back! In this episode we discuss the final season premiere of “Game of Thrones.” A lot of people show up at Winterf... Read more
15 Apr 2019
1hr 7mins
Ranked #7

Game of Thrones s1e7 Rewind: "You Win Or You Die" (TeeVee 462)
Game of Thrones s1e7 Rewind: "You Win Or You Die" (TeeVee 462)
Kelly Guimont joins us once again, this time to discuss the episode where it all goes south. (Though to be fair, from th... Read more
16 Sep 2018
Ranked #8

Game of Thrones S6E9 review: "Battle of the Bastards" (TeeVee 175)
Game of Thrones S6E9 review: "Battle of the Bastards" (TeeVee 175)
They fight. Also, some fire-breathing dragons. Host Jason Snell with Monty Ashley and Brian Hamilton Referenced Works ... Read more
20 Jun 2016
Ranked #9

Game of Thrones S6E8 review: "No One" (TeeVee 174)
Game of Thrones S6E8 review: "No One" (TeeVee 174)
Season six keeps barreling ahead, and in this episode we visit Braavos for a resolution of the House of Black & Whit... Read more
13 Jun 2016
Ranked #10

Game of Thrones S6E7 review: "The Broken Man" (TeeVee 172)
Game of Thrones S6E7 review: "The Broken Man" (TeeVee 172)
This week the story continues to hurtle forward, with a shocking reveal in a cold open and a visit from Septon Ian McSha... Read more
6 Jun 2016
Ranked #11

Game of Thrones S6E6 Review: "Blood of My Blood" (TeeVee 171)
Game of Thrones S6E6 Review: "Blood of My Blood" (TeeVee 171)
“Game of Thrones” pushes characters out of their comfort zones in this episode, as Arya decides whether she really wants... Read more
30 May 2016
Ranked #12

Game of Thrones S6E4 review: "Book of the Stranger" (TeeVee 164)
Game of Thrones S6E4 review: "Book of the Stranger" (TeeVee 164)
A family reunion! Diplomatic compromises! Ramsay eating an apple! Special guest Aleen Simms joins Brian to recap this we... Read more
16 May 2016
1hr 2mins
Ranked #13

Game of Thrones S6E3 review: "Oathbreaker" (TeeVee 160)
Game of Thrones S6E3 review: "Oathbreaker" (TeeVee 160)
Life after death! Action flashbacks! Surprising returns of characters not seen for years! And Varys waving a very large ... Read more
9 May 2016
Ranked #14

Game of Thrones S6E2 Review: "Home" (TeeVee 157)
Game of Thrones S6E2 Review: "Home" (TeeVee 157)
We know it’s a shocker, but he’s back! We refer, of course, to Bran Stark, who is warging and time-warping from a deep h... Read more
2 May 2016
1hr 4mins
Ranked #15

Game of Thrones S6E1 Review: "The Red Woman" (TeeVee 155)
Game of Thrones S6E1 Review: "The Red Woman" (TeeVee 155)
“Game of Thrones” is back with another scene-setting premiere episode. Featuring eight different locations, this is not ... Read more
25 Apr 2016
Ranked #16

Game of Thrones S5E10 review: "Mother's Mercy" (TeeVee 81)
Game of Thrones S5E10 review: "Mother's Mercy" (TeeVee 81)
It’s the season finale of “Game of Thrones!” So of course, nothing much happens in this episode. Except for suicides, zo... Read more
15 Jun 2015
1hr 12mins
Ranked #17

Game of Thrones S5E8 review: "Hardhome" (TeeVee 79)
Game of Thrones S5E8 review: "Hardhome" (TeeVee 79)
Winter is here! We review this week’s epic “Game of Thrones” episode, which took us by surprise by featuring the season’... Read more
1 Jun 2015
Ranked #18

Game of Thrones S4E7 review: "Mockingbird" (TeeVee 15)
Game of Thrones S4E7 review: "Mockingbird" (TeeVee 15)
This episode feels more like the regular episodes of past seasons — neither a full-blown “event” episode, nor a pure “ta... Read more
19 May 2014
Ranked #19

Game of Thrones S4E6 review: "The Laws of Gods and Men" (TeeVee 14)
Game of Thrones S4E6 review: "The Laws of Gods and Men" (TeeVee 14)
Courtroom drama comes to Westeros, as Daenerys issues decrees in Meereen and Tyrion’s regicide trial begins. There are s... Read more
12 May 2014
Ranked #20

Game of Thrones S4E5 review: "First of His Name" (TeeVee 13)
Game of Thrones S4E5 review: "First of His Name" (TeeVee 13)
Jon nearly meets up with Bran! Daenerys strongly considers coming to Westeros before deciding to stay in Meereen! Most o... Read more
5 May 2014