Chapter 15 - 'It's not over 'til it's done'
Chapter 15 - 'It's not over 'til it's done'
Amy Upbright takes some time out, but crime (true or otherwise) beckons to ambitious podcasters
14 Oct 2019

Chapter 14 - 'The truth, the whole truth and the shabadabalubbadubba ...'
Chapter 14 - 'The truth, the whole truth and the shabadabalubbadubba ...'
Ezra steps in and figures it all out so you, the listener, don't have to
13 Oct 2019

Chapter 13 - 'The Aftermath'
Chapter 13 - 'The Aftermath'
The thoughts and prayers pay off! - Ezra checks in with Amy.
12 Oct 2019

Chapter 12 - 'Corrosive'
Chapter 12 - 'Corrosive'
How is the New Zealand media handling this disaster? And where's Amy?
11 Oct 2019

Who's responsible? Listen to the real KILLJOY credits!
Who's responsible? Listen to the real KILLJOY credits!
KILLJOY is written and directed by Patrick Hunn and Laura Robinson with original music, sound design and studio mix by O... Read more
11 Oct 2019

Chapter 11 - 'Thoughts and Prayers'
Chapter 11 - 'Thoughts and Prayers'
CBF Producers Ezra Snypes and Evan Phippet take an expanded look at the story so far
10 Oct 2019

Chapter 10 - 'Little Piggies'
Chapter 10 - 'Little Piggies'
Theory is theory - a burning desire to obtain empirical proof is the way to truth
7 Oct 2019

Chapter 9 - 'Vallée de Sharon'
Chapter 9 - 'Vallée de Sharon'
A sign from the universe. A witness who was actually there on the night of Joy's murder comes forward
6 Oct 2019

Chapter 8 - 'The Visit'
Chapter 8 - 'The Visit'
What does Gary Ford himself remember from that fateful night? Not a lot. Find out why.
5 Oct 2019

Chapter 7 - 'Why does this keep happening to me?'
Chapter 7 - 'Why does this keep happening to me?'
Seeking refuge in an unlikey place could just be the key to unlocking the investigative puzzle
4 Oct 2019