Cover image of Time of Grace With Pastor Mike Novotny

Time of Grace With Pastor Mike Novotny

Time of Grace is for people who want more growth and less struggle in their spiritual walk. We connect people to God’s grace so they know they are loved and forgiven and so they can start living in th... Read more

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

Get Over Yourself

Get Over Yourself

June 9, 2019. Pastor Mike Novotny. The teachers of the law knew Jesus spoke his scathing parable of the tenants against ... Read more

9 Jun 2019


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

Out of Context: "Plans to Prosper You"

Out of Context: "Plans to Prosper You"

September 1, 2019 / Pastor Mike Novotny. God has great plans for his people, but they don’t always involve a quick fix t... Read more

1 Sep 2019


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How Do You Know That God Is Real? - Daily Devotional

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Sneak Peek: 3 Words That Will Change Your Life!

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Why Is the Bible Important for Me? Compilation

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Why Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex? - Daily Devotional

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What Does God Say About "Coexist"? - Daily Devotional

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Flawed but Blessed: Why Does God Love Me?

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Different Parts, One Body

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