Ch 132 - Miss Teen Riverdale
Ch 132 - Miss Teen Riverdale
Kate and Louie get into this special beauty pageant episode of Riverdale but spend almost as much time going on about th... Read more
26 Jul 2023

Ch 131 - Archie the Musical w/ special guest Jenna Palme
Ch 131 - Archie the Musical w/ special guest Jenna Palme
Louie and his savvy bud, guest co-host, Jenna Palme finally answer the question: what direction is Archie gonna go in? L... Read more
13 Jul 2023

Ch 130 - The Crucible
Ch 130 - The Crucible
The red menace comes to Riverdale! And Hiram returns! Theme Song by Louie Aranowitz Edited by Angley Mercado
6 Jul 2023

Ch 129 - After the Fall
Ch 129 - After the Fall
Reggie, Archie, unseen basketball games! Edited by Angley Mercado Theme song by Louie Aronowitz
29 Jun 2023

Ch 128 - Halloween II
Ch 128 - Halloween II
Get ready for a real Ghost Show of an episode! Here's Louie's playlist to spin at your next Halloween Hootenanny! https:... Read more
14 Jun 2023

Ch 127 - American Graffiti
Ch 127 - American Graffiti
Here's a frightening question: will you ever love anything as much as Archie loves his car in this episode? Edited by A... Read more
7 Jun 2023

Ch 126 - Betty & Veronica Double Digest
Ch 126 - Betty & Veronica Double Digest
Louie and Kate are SEEING DOUBLE in this latest episode! Edited by Angely Mercado Theme Song by Louie Aranowitz
1 Jun 2023

Ch 125 - Hoop Dreams
Ch 125 - Hoop Dreams
We're pretty excited to rant and rave about our new fave Riverdale character Farm Reggie! Edited by Angley Mercado Them... Read more
31 May 2023

Ch 124 - Dirty Dancing
Ch 124 - Dirty Dancing
Hey kids! Here's a BRAND NEW DANCE to watch and learn, it's called The Twirl!Edited by Angley Mercado Theme Song by Loui... Read more
18 May 2023

Ch 123 - Peep Show
Ch 123 - Peep Show
Kate and Louie talk about high school jobs, the writers strike, and how this episode of Riverdale was pretty sexay? Edi... Read more
10 May 2023