Ranked #1

Prison Outbreak: How do we stop Covid-19 from spreading in prisons and jails?
Prison Outbreak: How do we stop Covid-19 from spreading in prisons and jails?
There are more than two million people locked up across the United States. Whatever they may have done to get there, the... Read more
13 May 2020
Ranked #2

Do abortions count as "Essential Care"?
Do abortions count as "Essential Care"?
To stop Covid-19 from overwhelming our healthcare system, many states have ordered that any “non-essential” procedures b... Read more
6 May 2020
Ranked #3

Why are more black people dying of Covid 19? And can we solve that?
Why are more black people dying of Covid 19? And can we solve that?
The virus may not discriminate, but people - and institutions - do. Discrimination in medicine, housing, and food have d... Read more
29 Apr 2020
Ranked #4

Who cares for the caregivers?
Who cares for the caregivers?
Everywhere you look, front line medical providers are being praised as “heroes.” Some people are leaning out their windo... Read more
22 Apr 2020
Ranked #5

Can the government force you to stay home? And if so, can enforcement go too far?
Can the government force you to stay home? And if so, can enforcement go too far?
With about half a million confirmed cases of Covid-19 across the United States, a lot of people are looking for guidance... Read more
15 Apr 2020