Crimes of the Centuries
Crimes of the Centuries
Each week, "Crimes of the Centuries" takes a deep investigative dive into a crime that was huge when it happened, but ha... Read more
26 Oct 2020

4: Episode 4: How Did This Get Made?
4: Episode 4: How Did This Get Made?
It's been a year since the smash hit documentary Abducted in Plain Sight premiered on Netflix and set the internet ablaz... Read more
2 Mar 2020

3: Episode 3: The Parents
3: Episode 3: The Parents
It's been a year since the smash hit documentary Abducted in Plain Sight premiered on Netflix and set the internet ablaz... Read more
2 Mar 2020

2: Episode 2: The Kidnapper
2: Episode 2: The Kidnapper
It's been a year since the smash hit documentary Abducted in Plain Sight premiered on Netflix and set the internet ablaz... Read more
2 Mar 2020

1: Episode 1: One Year Later
1: Episode 1: One Year Later
It's been a year since the smash hit documentary Abducted in Plain Sight premiered on Netflix and set the internet ablaz... Read more
2 Mar 2020

PREVIEW: Obsessed With Abducted in Plain Sight
PREVIEW: Obsessed With Abducted in Plain Sight
"Abducted in Plain Sight" was the most talked about and controversial documentary of 2019. This four-part podcast series... Read more
4 Feb 2020