Ranked #1

S1E7 What is it like to start a new job remotely?
S1E7 What is it like to start a new job remotely?
Although some sectors such as hospitality have seen significant job losses, there has been a forceful rebound in the job... Read more
28 Feb 2021
Ranked #2

S1E6 What’s it like to keep moving forward in life?
S1E6 What’s it like to keep moving forward in life?
Visit life in Chinese.com for Pinyin-annotated transcript and English translation! My birthday is February 10 and it is ... Read more
10 Feb 2021
Ranked #3

S1E5 What’s it like to meet entrepreneurial friends in Shanghai?
S1E5 What’s it like to meet entrepreneurial friends in Shanghai?
My experience with women entrepreneurship in China is one of the reasons I work with small business owners and women ent... Read more
1 Feb 2021
Ranked #4

S1E4 What was it like to study and then live through the Trump administration?
S1E4 What was it like to study and then live through the Trump administration?
This land is your land and this land is my land,From California to the New York islands,From the redwood forest to the G... Read more
23 Jan 2021
Ranked #5

S1E3 What’s it like to work at a McDonald’s as an 18-year-old in China?
S1E3 What’s it like to work at a McDonald’s as an 18-year-old in China?
For many born in the 90s in Beijing, getting a good college education is almost the single most important goal in life. ... Read more
19 Jan 2021
Ranked #6

S1E2 What’s it like to live in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic?
S1E2 What’s it like to live in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic?
In the episode I’m sharing my experience living through 2020 in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic is jus... Read more
10 Jan 2021
Ranked #7

S1E1 What’s it like being married to a second-generation immigrant in America?
S1E1 What’s it like being married to a second-generation immigrant in America?
What is it like to be married to a second-generation immigrant in America with Russian parents as a first-generation Chi... Read more
4 Jan 2021