Ranked #1

6. The Social and Political Sustainability of Capitalisms After the subprime crisis, by Robert Boyer (CEPREMAP-CNRS, France)
6. The Social and Political Sustainability of Capitalisms After the subprime crisis, by Robert Boyer (CEPREMAP-CNRS, France)
La crise contemporaine est aussi celle du paradigme économique dominant des deux dernières décennies. Sa perte de crédib... Read more
9 Jan 2011
Ranked #2

7. Environmental justice and economic degrowth: an alliance between two movements, by Joan Martinez-Alier (University of Barcelona)
7. Environmental justice and economic degrowth: an alliance between two movements, by Joan Martinez-Alier (University of Barcelona)
The flows of energy and materials in the world economy have never been so large as today. This article argues that this ... Read more
9 Jan 2011
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11. Recent Economics and The Revival of Political Economy, by Ana Cordeiro (University of Coimbra)
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9. Heterodox Economics and the Revival of Political Economy, by Nuno Martins (OPorto Portuguese Catholic University)
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Classical political economy explains economic activity in terms of the reproduction and distribution of a surplus produc... Read more
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