3/25/21 - Shekalim Daf 4 – The size of a כזית
3/25/21 - Shekalim Daf 4 – The size of a כזית
Don't let yesterdays narrative define today מראי מקומות
25 Mar 2021
3/24/21 - Shekalim Daf 3 – Can we throw someone out of Klal Yisroel and make him a Goy
3/24/21 - Shekalim Daf 3 – Can we throw someone out of Klal Yisroel and make him a Goy
מראי מקומות
24 Mar 2021
3/23/21 - Shekalim Daf 2 - Wearing gold jewelery on Yom Kippur
3/23/21 - Shekalim Daf 2 - Wearing gold jewelery on Yom Kippur
The infinity of Klal yisroel מראי מקומות
23 Mar 2021
3/22/21 - Pesachim Daf 121 - Until what time is the Mitzvah of Sippur Yetzias Mitzraim
3/22/21 - Pesachim Daf 121 - Until what time is the Mitzvah of Sippur Yetzias Mitzraim
The Ben Harasha - What's the answer to bad medicine מראי מקומות
22 Mar 2021
3/21/21 - Pesachim Daf 120 – Eating the Afikomen after Chatzos
3/21/21 - Pesachim Daf 120 – Eating the Afikomen after Chatzos
The deep roots of Klal Yisroel מראי מקומות
21 Mar 2021
3/18/21 - Pesachim Daf 117 - Should you say Hallel on Yom Hatzmaut?
3/18/21 - Pesachim Daf 117 - Should you say Hallel on Yom Hatzmaut?
The message of the Matzah - Don't let yesterday define tomorrow מראי מקומות
18 Mar 2021
3/17/21 - Pesachim Daf 116 - If you put yourself at danger for a Mitzvah are you Yotzei (Covid Minyanim and sheva Brochos etc)
3/17/21 - Pesachim Daf 116 - If you put yourself at danger for a Mitzvah are you Yotzei (Covid Minyanim and sheva Brochos etc)
The message of the Matzah - Don't exchange one slavery for another מראי מקומות
17 Mar 2021
3/16/21 - Peachim Daf 115 - If you lost your taste in Covid do you make a Brocha on Maror?
3/16/21 - Peachim Daf 115 - If you lost your taste in Covid do you make a Brocha on Maror?
Why is Moshe Rabbenu not in the Haggadah? מראי מקומות
16 Mar 2021
3/15/21 - Pesachim Daf 114 - Can you redo a Mitzah to do it in the ultimate fashion?
3/15/21 - Pesachim Daf 114 - Can you redo a Mitzah to do it in the ultimate fashion?
Korban Pesach - The vertical Tzibbur מראי מקומות
15 Mar 2021
3/14/21 - Pesachim Daf 113 - Can you take Tzedaka in order to stay in Kollel
3/14/21 - Pesachim Daf 113 - Can you take Tzedaka in order to stay in Kollel
Yetzias Mitzraim of the individual מראי מקומות
14 Mar 2021