Ranked #1

What kind of qualities does your dream horse have? Find out how I discovered my dream horse this year — much to my surprise and delight.
What kind of qualities does your dream horse have? Find out how I discovered my dream horse this year — much to my surprise and delight.
What's your dream horse like? Most people have specific ideas about what they want in their dream horse. They make a det... Read more
1 Nov 2019
Ranked #2

A frustrated cowboy couldn’t figure out why his mare was so bad at cow work. How he discovered that the mare was a mirror of his own expectations, thanks to a tactful clinician.
A frustrated cowboy couldn’t figure out why his mare was so bad at cow work. How he discovered that the mare was a mirror of his own expectations, thanks to a tactful clinician.
A pretty mare was performing badly in a cow working class. She was anxious about making a mistake and didn’t want to let... Read more
21 Jun 2019
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How to improve your riding when you can’t ride for extended periods (due to circumstances beyond your control).
How to improve your riding when you can’t ride for extended periods (due to circumstances beyond your control).
In this episode, I discuss how to take advantage of extended breaks from riding (due to weather, injury or other annoyin... Read more
14 Feb 2020
Ranked #4

A veterinarian walks into a comedy club with oil paints, dentistry tools and an easel. Welcome to the world of Dr. Matt Evans DVM.
A veterinarian walks into a comedy club with oil paints, dentistry tools and an easel. Welcome to the world of Dr. Matt Evans DVM.
Dr. Matt Evans DVM is an equine vet, stand-up comic, landscape painter, master gardener and all-around Renaissance man. ... Read more
29 Mar 2019
Ranked #5

Jessica wondered why her horse Blaze was misbehaving “all of a sudden." How small steps had literally led them to the wrong destination. A CSI case of horse behavior investigation.
Jessica wondered why her horse Blaze was misbehaving “all of a sudden." How small steps had literally led them to the wrong destination. A CSI case of horse behavior investigation.
Jessica and Blaze were a good team. A seasoned professional horse trainer and competitor, Jessica had worked with many g... Read more
10 Jun 2019
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What exactly is Horse Wise? The story of my background with horses, the history of Horse Wise and how learning from the horses drew me into the world of coaching.
What exactly is Horse Wise? The story of my background with horses, the history of Horse Wise and how learning from the horses drew me into the world of coaching.
For me, Horse Wise began in 2007. Back then, I was running a racehorse adoption ranch and blogging about my experiences.... Read more
6 Jul 2019
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Believe in your horse, so your horse can believe in you. A simple quote from Ray Hunt that contains so much wisdom.
Believe in your horse, so your horse can believe in you. A simple quote from Ray Hunt that contains so much wisdom.
The most important principles in life are often simple. They seem self-obvious and straightforward to understand. But pu... Read more
19 Dec 2019
Ranked #8

Meet Erin Shea of Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance. Erin is a marketing genius, a talented journalist and a dedicated fan of OTTBs. Especially one named Turbo Booster.
Meet Erin Shea of Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance. Erin is a marketing genius, a talented journalist and a dedicated fan of OTTBs. Especially one named Turbo Booster.
This interview is the last of a series in honor of the Retired Racehorse Project TB Makeover event in Oct 2019. Erin She... Read more
10 Oct 2019
Ranked #9

The biggest mistake you can make when a ride doesn’t go well - and how the solution involves you, giant muddy puppies and a sense of humor.
The biggest mistake you can make when a ride doesn’t go well - and how the solution involves you, giant muddy puppies and a sense of humor.
There is a classic mistake I see most riders make when a ride doesn’t go as expected. And that is the tendency to immedi... Read more
2 Dec 2019
Ranked #10

What to do when things go wrong with your horse — and how to see the gift in that situation.
What to do when things go wrong with your horse — and how to see the gift in that situation.
If you have horses, you know that it’s inevitable that you will deal with unexpected issues or problems. It’s the nature... Read more
3 Mar 2020
Ranked #11

How a wild-eyed colt, a western saddle and a big red horse led to my first ever canter pirouette (thanks to a special cowboy named Peter).
How a wild-eyed colt, a western saddle and a big red horse led to my first ever canter pirouette (thanks to a special cowboy named Peter).
My horse Santo is big, sweet QH with a heart of gold. He also is a very emotional kind of guy. Santo has LOTS of feeling... Read more
21 Mar 2019
Ranked #12

Meet Jennifer Holme. A dedicated rider discusses how classical horsemanship helps her dressage goals and partnership with her horses (Teddy and Jade).
Meet Jennifer Holme. A dedicated rider discusses how classical horsemanship helps her dressage goals and partnership with her horses (Teddy and Jade).
Jennifer Holme is a dedicated dressage rider and Horse Wise client. She has two wonderful geldings (Teddy and Jade) who ... Read more
7 Aug 2019
Ranked #13

How a television crew, a slightly feral horse and a cold morning reminded me to take my own advice.
How a television crew, a slightly feral horse and a cold morning reminded me to take my own advice.
In this episode, I tell a recent story about taking my own advice from the podcast. In Episode 28, I shared some ways yo... Read more
24 Feb 2020
Ranked #14

Penny Reeves on Horsemanship vs Show Scores. This is Part 2 of her interview series.
Penny Reeves on Horsemanship vs Show Scores. This is Part 2 of her interview series.
Penny Reeves is the owner of Graymar Farm in Driftwood, TX. In this second part of her interview, Penny discusses the i... Read more
14 Mar 2019
Ranked #15

Dr. Jyme Nichols of Bluebonnet Feeds on equine nutrition, Captain Crunch, leaky gut and Snickers bars. The most fun discussion of horse feed science ever!
Dr. Jyme Nichols of Bluebonnet Feeds on equine nutrition, Captain Crunch, leaky gut and Snickers bars. The most fun discussion of horse feed science ever!
This interview was full of great information and much laughter! Dr. Jyme Nichols and I have a fascinating discussion on ... Read more
19 Aug 2019
Ranked #16

How one good horse taught a cowboy so much more than famous trainers on television.
How one good horse taught a cowboy so much more than famous trainers on television.
When working with horses. it often can be hard to see the difference between technique and approach/tone. Most people un... Read more
10 May 2019
Ranked #17

How I learned to embrace my inner horse geek (thanks to Ray Hunt). And why that made all the difference to me (and to the horses).
How I learned to embrace my inner horse geek (thanks to Ray Hunt). And why that made all the difference to me (and to the horses).
I didn’t learn to ride until I was an adult. Predictably, I wasn’t exactly the smoothest rider at first. In fact, I was ... Read more
17 Jan 2020
Ranked #18

How to tell the difference between a shut down horse and a truly calm horse. And why that distinction is so important.
How to tell the difference between a shut down horse and a truly calm horse. And why that distinction is so important.
The term “bombproof horse” is always a red flag to me. Many times, that can mean that the horse is shut down and essenti... Read more
9 Feb 2020
Ranked #19

What do your car and groceries have to do with horses? A fun winter exercise you can do (no matter how cold the weather).
What do your car and groceries have to do with horses? A fun winter exercise you can do (no matter how cold the weather).
Winter can be challenging for equestrians. The weather is often cold, snowy or icy (depending on where you live). Your n... Read more
31 Jan 2020
Ranked #20

How the nicest people can sometimes create the biggest trouble for their horses.
How the nicest people can sometimes create the biggest trouble for their horses.
It seems like a paradox that nice people can ruin horses. When we think of a ruined horse, we envision cruel owners who ... Read more
27 Jan 2020