10. Amber Tuccaro (Cree)
10. Amber Tuccaro (Cree)
E P 1 0 - A M B E R T U C C A R O Amber Tuccaro, nisitanaw kí tātoskíwinēw, o’kāwímaw, mitātaht nēwosāp písim kí isp... Read more
30 Mar 2020

10. Amber Tuccaro (English)
10. Amber Tuccaro (English)
E P 1 0 - A M B E R T U C C A R O Amber Tuccaro was 20 years old, and the mother of a 14-month-old boy when she trav... Read more
30 Mar 2020

9. Doreen Jack (Cree)
9. Doreen Jack (Cree)
E P 9 - D O R E E N J A C Kmwac náspic kiskénícikátéw tánisi ká ispaníkocik óko kákí wanihícik ótó óci Prince George... Read more
30 Mar 2020

9. Doreen Jack (English)
9. Doreen Jack (English)
E P 9 - D O R E E N J A C KLittle is known about the case of Doreen Jack who has been missing from Prince George, Br... Read more
30 Mar 2020

8. Annie Pootoogook (Cree)
8. Annie Pootoogook (Cree)
E P 8 - A N N I E P O O T O O G O O K Annie Pootoogook o’tápasinayíkéw óté óci Cape Dorset, Nunavut kákí miskikát... Read more
27 Mar 2020

8. Annie Pootoogook (English)
8. Annie Pootoogook (English)
E P 8 - A N N I E P O O T O O G O O K Annie Pootoogook was a renowned Inuit artist from Cape Dorset, Nunavut whos... Read more
27 Mar 2020

7. Jacqueline Crazybull (Cree)
7. Jacqueline Crazybull (Cree)
E P 7 - J A C Q U E L I N E C R A Z Y B U L L July 11 é akimiht písim, 2007 ká askiwak, néwomitanaw néwosap kí tatos... Read more
24 Mar 2020

7. Jacqueline Crazybull (English)
7. Jacqueline Crazybull (English)
E P 7 - J A C Q U E L I N E C R A Z Y B U L L On July 11th, 2007, 44-year-old Jacqueline Crazybull was stabbed by a ... Read more
24 Mar 2020

6. Cheyenne Fox (Cree)
6. Cheyenne Fox (Cree)
E P 6 - C H E Y E N N E F O XÉkospihk óma April 25 ká akimiht písim, 2013 ká askíwak, kí miskikáténiw o’wíyaw awa n... Read more
20 Mar 2020

6. Cheyenne Fox (English)
6. Cheyenne Fox (English)
E P 6 - C H E Y E N N E F O XOn April 25th, 2013, the lifeless body of 20-year-old Cheyenne Fox, was found at the b... Read more
20 Mar 2020