Ranked #1

4. Emily Osmond (English)
4. Emily Osmond (English)
E P 4 - E M I L Y O S M O N DEmily Osmond was 78 years old when she was last seen by her nephew on her property on t... Read more
13 Mar 2020
Ranked #2

4. Emily Osmond (Cree)
4. Emily Osmond (Cree)
E P 4 - E M I L Y O S M O N DEmily Osmond tépakohp ayinanéw mitanaw kī tátoskīwinéw iskwayác ká wápamikot o’tósima a... Read more
13 Mar 2020
Ranked #3

2. Maisy Odjick and Shannon Alexander (English)
2. Maisy Odjick and Shannon Alexander (English)
E P 2 - M A I S Y O D J I C K & S H A N N O N A L E X A N D E R Maniwaki and Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First N... Read more
6 Mar 2020
Ranked #4

3. Tanya Brooks (English)
3. Tanya Brooks (English)
E P 3 - T A N Y A B R O O K SOn Mother’s Day, May 10, 2009, Tanya Brooks had final telephone conversations with her ... Read more
10 Mar 2020
Ranked #5

6. Cheyenne Fox (English)
6. Cheyenne Fox (English)
E P 6 - C H E Y E N N E F O XOn April 25th, 2013, the lifeless body of 20-year-old Cheyenne Fox, was found at the b... Read more
20 Mar 2020
Ranked #6

7. Jacqueline Crazybull (English)
7. Jacqueline Crazybull (English)
E P 7 - J A C Q U E L I N E C R A Z Y B U L L On July 11th, 2007, 44-year-old Jacqueline Crazybull was stabbed by a ... Read more
24 Mar 2020
Ranked #7

5. Sandra Johnson (English)
5. Sandra Johnson (English)
E P 5 - S A N D R A J O H N S O NSandra Johnson was a pow wow princess from a loving family on the Seine River First... Read more
17 Mar 2020
Ranked #8

2. Maisy Odjick and Shannon Alexander (Cree)
2. Maisy Odjick and Shannon Alexander (Cree)
E P 2 - M A I S Y O D J I C K & S H A N N O N A L E X A N D E R Maniwaki ékwa Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First ... Read more
6 Mar 2020
Ranked #9

6. Cheyenne Fox (Cree)
6. Cheyenne Fox (Cree)
E P 6 - C H E Y E N N E F O XÉkospihk óma April 25 ká akimiht písim, 2013 ká askíwak, kí miskikáténiw o’wíyaw awa n... Read more
20 Mar 2020
Ranked #10

7. Jacqueline Crazybull (Cree)
7. Jacqueline Crazybull (Cree)
E P 7 - J A C Q U E L I N E C R A Z Y B U L L July 11 é akimiht písim, 2007 ká askiwak, néwomitanaw néwosap kí tatos... Read more
24 Mar 2020