Cover image of The Impossible Network

The Impossible Network

The weekly podcast tells the stories of curious-minded, purposeful people, creating positive change for social good.Our guests include creative problem-solvers, storytellers, activists and artists, so... Read more

Podcast cover

Power For All - Founder Kristina Skierka - 7 Minute Soundbites

Power For All - Founder Kristina Skierka - 7 Minute Soundbites

TLDRIf you're short on time here are seven minutes of soundbites from difference maker Kristina Skierka - theSan Francis... Read more

12 Oct 2023


Podcast cover

Kristina Skierka - Fueling Universal Energy Access by 2025

Kristina Skierka - Fueling Universal Energy Access by 2025

This week's guest is Kristina Skierka, a genuine difference maker and true catalyst for change in the global energy sect... Read more

9 Oct 2023

1hr 22mins

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Dave Birss - Supercharging Our Creative Potential Through Effective Use Of AI

Dave Birss - Supercharging Our Creative Potential Through Effective Use Of AI

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