Ranked #1

2-1 Describe the pressure for revenues that led to the adoption of the 16th Amendment by Congress, and explain the Amendment's significance for modern tax law.
2-1 Describe the pressure for revenues that led to the adoption of the 16th Amendment by Congress, and explain the Amendment's significance for modern tax law.
Describe the pressure for revenues that led to the adoption of the 16th Amendment by Congress, and explain the Amendment... Read more
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #2

3-2 Explain the doctrine of constructive receipt.
3-2 Explain the doctrine of constructive receipt.
Explain the doctrine of constructive receipt.
8 Jun 2011
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Ranked #3

3-3 Explain the economic-benefit theory.
3-3 Explain the economic-benefit theory.
Explain the economic-benefit theory.
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #4

3-0 Chapter 3 - Overview
3-0 Chapter 3 - Overview
Chapter 3 - Overview
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #5

5-2 Explain the tax treatment of annuities.
5-2 Explain the tax treatment of annuities.
Explain the tax treatment of annuities.
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #6

6-3 Explain the rules regarding the income taxation of Social Security benefits.
6-3 Explain the rules regarding the income taxation of Social Security benefits.
Explain the rules regarding the income taxation of Social Security benefits.
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #7

5-0 Chapter 5 - Overview
5-0 Chapter 5 - Overview
Chapter 5 - Overview
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #8

9-5 Explain the rules regarding the deductibility of interest payments.
9-5 Explain the rules regarding the deductibility of interest payments.
Explain the rules regarding the deductibility of interest payments.
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #9

8-2 Explain the rules regarding the deductibility of bad debts.
8-2 Explain the rules regarding the deductibility of bad debts.
Explain the rules regarding the deductibility of bad debts.
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #10

7-5 Explain the 2 percent floor on miscellaneous itemized deductions.
7-5 Explain the 2 percent floor on miscellaneous itemized deductions.
Explain the 2 percent floor on miscellaneous itemized deductions.
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #11

7-4 Explain the rules regarding the deductibility of expenses for home offices and vacation homes.
7-4 Explain the rules regarding the deductibility of expenses for home offices and vacation homes.
Explain the rules regarding the deductibility of expenses for home offices and vacation homes.
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #12

7-2 Explain the requirements for deducting business entertainment expenses.
7-2 Explain the requirements for deducting business entertainment expenses.
Explain the requirements for deducting business entertainment expenses.
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #13

5-1 Explain the tax treatment of payments in connection with separation or divorce.
5-1 Explain the tax treatment of payments in connection with separation or divorce.
30 May 2013
Ranked #14

4-2 Explain the determination of taxable income.
4-2 Explain the determination of taxable income.
19 May 2015
Ranked #15

9-2 Explain the rules regarding the deductibility of medical and dental expenses, and describe what constitutes an eligible expense under these rules.
9-2 Explain the rules regarding the deductibility of medical and dental expenses, and describe what constitutes an eligible expense under these rules.
30 May 2013
Ranked #16

9-0 Chapter 9 - Overview
9-0 Chapter 9 - Overview
Chapter 9 - Overview
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #17

7-3 Explain the requirements for deducting nonbusiness expenses paid for the production of income.
7-3 Explain the requirements for deducting nonbusiness expenses paid for the production of income.
Explain the requirements for deducting nonbusiness expenses paid for the production of income.
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #18

9-3 Explain the tax treatment of long-term care expenses and insurance premiums.
9-3 Explain the tax treatment of long-term care expenses and insurance premiums.
Explain the tax treatment of long-term care expenses and insurance premiums.
8 Jun 2011
Ranked #19

6-2 Describe the rules regarding the taxation of interest on state and municipal bonds, U.S. Treasury obligations, and educational savings bonds, and explain how the gain on the sale of tax-exempt securities is treated for tax purposes.
6-2 Describe the rules regarding the taxation of interest on state and municipal bonds, U.S. Treasury obligations, and educational savings bonds, and explain how the gain on the sale of tax-exempt securities is treated for tax purposes.
30 May 2013
Ranked #20

6-1 Explain the general rule regarding the income taxation of amounts received by gift or inheritance.
6-1 Explain the general rule regarding the income taxation of amounts received by gift or inheritance.
30 May 2013