Ranked #1

Can we solve it? Some numerical tests revealing analytic structure.
Can we solve it? Some numerical tests revealing analytic structure.
Guttmann, T (Melbourne)Friday 02 May 2008, 11:00-12:00
13 May 2008
1hr 15mins
Ranked #2

Large deviations and quantum gravity
Large deviations and quantum gravity
Duplantier, B (SPhT Saclay)Friday 02 May 2008, 14:00-15:00
13 May 2008
1hr 32mins
Ranked #3

Theory of electric networks: the two-point resistance and impedance
Theory of electric networks: the two-point resistance and impedance
Wu, FY (Northeastern )Friday 25 April 2008, 09:00-10:00Statistical-Mechanics and Quantum-Field Theory Methods in Combina... Read more
9 May 2008
Ranked #4

Counting lattice paths with the kernel method
Counting lattice paths with the kernel method
Prellberg, T (QMUL)Friday 25 April 2008, 11:30-12:30Statistical-Mechanics and Quantum-Field Theory Methods in Combinator... Read more
9 May 2008
1hr 9mins
Ranked #5

Exact valence bond entanglement entropy in the XXZ and related spin chains
Exact valence bond entanglement entropy in the XXZ and related spin chains
Jacobsen, JL (Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure)Wednesday 23 April 2008, 11:30-12:30Statistical-Mechanics and Quantum-Field The... Read more
6 May 2008
1hr 4mins
Ranked #6

Large deviation of the top eigenvalue of a random matrix
Large deviation of the top eigenvalue of a random matrix
Majumdar, S (CNRS)Monday 21 April 2008, 16:30-17:30Statistical-Mechanics and Quantum-Field Theory Methods in Combinatori... Read more
1 May 2008
Ranked #7

A bijection for covered maps on orientable surfaces
A bijection for covered maps on orientable surfaces
Bernardi, O (CNRS)Monday 21 April 2008, 14:00-15:00Statistical-Mechanics and Quantum-Field Theory Methods in Combinatori... Read more
30 Apr 2008
Ranked #8

Introduction to non commutative field theory
Introduction to non commutative field theory
Rivasseau, V (Paris Sud)Wednesday 09 April 2008, 11:30-12:30Combinatorial Identities and their Applications in Statistic... Read more
23 Apr 2008
1hr 15mins
Ranked #9

Card shuffling and Diophantine approximation
Card shuffling and Diophantine approximation
Wilson, D (Microsoft Research)Friday 28 March 2008, 09:30-10:00Markov-chain Monte Carlo Methods
2 Apr 2008
Ranked #10

Bank sampling: a practical proposal for sampling from isolated maxima with the Metropolis algorithm
Bank sampling: a practical proposal for sampling from isolated maxima with the Metropolis algorithm
Allanach, BC (Cambridge)Friday 28 March 2008, 14:00-14:30Markov-chain Monte Carlo Methods
2 Apr 2008
Ranked #11

A birthday paradox for Markov chains, with an optimal bound for collision in the Pollard Rho algorithm for discrete logarithm
A birthday paradox for Markov chains, with an optimal bound for collision in the Pollard Rho algorithm for discrete logarithm
Montenegro, R (Massachusetts Lowell)Wednesday 26 March 2008, 14:35-15:05Markov-chain Monte Carlo Methods
1 Apr 2008
Ranked #12

Dominant traits in the zeros of two-variate two-terminal reliability polynomials
Dominant traits in the zeros of two-variate two-terminal reliability polynomials
Tanguy, C (Orange Labs)Friday 25 January 2008, 14:00-14:30Zeros of Graph Polynomials
10 Feb 2008
Ranked #13

Chromatic roots and fibonacci numbers
Chromatic roots and fibonacci numbers
Alikhani, S (Inspem, University Putra Malaysia)Monday 21 January 2008, 15:30-16:00Zeros of Graph Polynomials
30 Jan 2008
Ranked #14

Graphs and matroids III
Graphs and matroids III
Whittle, G (Victoria)Thursday 17 January 2008, 10:00-11:00Introductory CSM Cross-Disciplinary Symposium
29 Jan 2008
1hr 13mins
Ranked #15

Algorithms and complexity II
Algorithms and complexity II
Jerrum, M (QMUL)Wednesday 16 January 2008, 16:00-17:00Introductory CSM Cross-Disciplinary Symposium
28 Jan 2008
1hr 11mins
Ranked #16

Algorithms and complexity I
Algorithms and complexity I
Jerrum, M (QMUL)Wednesday 16 January 2008, 11:30-12:30Introductory CSM Cross-Disciplinary Symposium
28 Jan 2008
1hr 10mins
Ranked #17

Graphs and matroids II
Graphs and matroids II
Jackson, B (QMUL)Tuesday 15 January 2008, 10:00-11:00Introductory CSM Cross-Disciplinary Symposium
25 Jan 2008
1hr 7mins
Ranked #18

Combinatorial enumeration I
Combinatorial enumeration I
Wagner, D (Waterloo)Monday 14 January 2008, 11:30-12:30Introductory CSM Cross-Disciplinary Symposium
24 Jan 2008
Ranked #19

Statistical mechanics I
Statistical mechanics I
Sokal, A (New York)Monday 14 January 2008, 14:30-15:30Introductory CSM Cross-Disciplinary Symposium
24 Jan 2008
1hr 6mins
Ranked #20

Bounding chromatic roots of series parallel graphs in terms of maxmaxflow
Bounding chromatic roots of series parallel graphs in terms of maxmaxflow
Royle, G (Western Australia)Thursday 12 June 2008, 11:00-12:00
1 Jul 2008
1hr 4mins