Ranked #1

Dystopia: what are you afraid of? | Shane Rogerson & Stephanie Gear
Dystopia: what are you afraid of? | Shane Rogerson & Stephanie Gear
Chernobyl, Handmaid's Tale, 1984 - there is a resurgence of dystopian fiction in our culture. Why is fear so powerful? W... Read more
22 Jun 2019
Ranked #2

Ep 131: Why do we explore space? | Jonathan Clarke, Dianne McGrath & James Murray
Ep 131: Why do we explore space? | Jonathan Clarke, Dianne McGrath & James Murray
It's been 50 years since the moon landing and we reflect on what was achieved in that momentous event.
20 Jul 2019
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Ep 133: When do miracles happen? | Linda Bailey
Ep 133: When do miracles happen? | Linda Bailey
Miracles Day is approaching and we talk with a woman who used to be amazed at the difference this 'miracle' made to peop... Read more
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Are the Gospels historical? | Mike Bird
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Is the Bible a myth, full of fairy stories? Did the events recorded there really happen? Does it even matter?
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Ep: 141 Why can't I be happy? | Angela Cook
Ep: 141 Why can't I be happy? | Angela Cook
In world that loves being happy - why do I feel depressed?
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Ep 140: What's life all about? | David Cook
Ep 140: What's life all about? | David Cook
Is life about pleasure, happiness, accumulating things or perhaps something more?
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Ep 139: How do I make my mark? | Steve Lawrence
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It's footy finals time so we speak with former Premiership footballer Steve Lawrence about footy, faith and making a dif... Read more
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Is there hope in the slums of the world? | Diane Judge
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8 Jun 2019
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Ep 129: Can we win the war on waste? | Jonathan Cornford
Ep 129: Can we win the war on waste? | Jonathan Cornford
The popular ABC documentary War on Waste highlighted big waste challenges in our culture. But why do we even need a war?... Read more
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Ep 135: Why give voice to the voiceless? | Esther Bird
Ep 135: Why give voice to the voiceless? | Esther Bird
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Ep 130: Is the death of Christianity in Australia a good thing? | Al Stewart
Ep 130: Is the death of Christianity in Australia a good thing? | Al Stewart
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Ep 134: How can these scientists believe in God? | Michael Smith, Christina Smith, Simon Angus, Jonathan Clarke, Jennifer Wiseman & Luke Barnes
Ep 134: How can these scientists believe in God? | Michael Smith, Christina Smith, Simon Angus, Jonathan Clarke, Jennifer Wiseman & Luke Barnes
Relationship of science to God and what persuaded them to believe in something bigger
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Ep 132: Do we need God in outer space? | Jonathan Clarke
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Ep 136: How do I handle difficult colleagues? | Andrew Laird & Ben
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Ep 142: Is science the answer? | Adam Humphries
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Ep 137: Is the Genesis account of creation simply a myth? | Andrew Brown
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Ep 138: How do I know what's real? | Katherine Canobi
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Virtual reality and social media challenge our conceptions of reality. So how do we develop authentic relationships?
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How does an encounter with Jesus answer life's big questions? | Kate Bracks
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Is religion for fools? | Bill Medley
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