Ranked #1

The Underlying Scaling Laws and Universal Statistical Structure of Complex Datasets
The Underlying Scaling Laws and Universal Statistical Structure of Complex Datasets
We study universal traits which emerge both in real-world complex datasets, as well as in artificially generated ones. O... Read more
13 Jul 2023
1hr 1min
Ranked #2

Quantum Mechanics and Geometry of Spacetime
Quantum Mechanics and Geometry of Spacetime
Quantum mechanics is important for determining the geometry ofspacetime. We will review the role of quantum fluctuations... Read more
12 Jul 2023
1hr 14mins
Ranked #3

Pulling Yourself by your Bootstraps in Quantum Field Theory
Pulling Yourself by your Bootstraps in Quantum Field Theory
Quantum field theory (QFT) is the universal language of theoretical physics, underlying the Standard Model of elementary... Read more
12 Jul 2023
1hr 16mins
Ranked #4

Topological phases of matter: From classification to detection in experiments
Topological phases of matter: From classification to detection in experiments
Condensed matter is found in a variety of phases, the vast majority of which are characterized in terms of symmetry brea... Read more
12 Jul 2023
1hr 8mins
Ranked #5

The Nobel Prizes in Physics in 1932/33: Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Dirac
The Nobel Prizes in Physics in 1932/33: Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Dirac
The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930 was awarded to Raman for the discovery of the effect named after him. The next time p... Read more
12 Jul 2023
Ranked #6

Chemically Active Wetting
Chemically Active Wetting
Wetting of liquid phases, such as water drops condensing at the surface of plant leaves, is ubiquitous in our daily life... Read more
12 Jul 2023
1hr 6mins
Ranked #7

Precision at the LHC: why and how
Precision at the LHC: why and how
With Run II, the LHC experiment already reached an unprecedentedlevel of precision compared to previous hadron colliders... Read more
12 Jul 2023
1hr 1min
Ranked #8

What can we compute with quantum devices?
What can we compute with quantum devices?
Sommerfeld Theory Colloquium
12 Jul 2023
1hr 17mins
Ranked #9

High order correlation and what we can learn about the solution for many body problems from experiment
High order correlation and what we can learn about the solution for many body problems from experiment
The knowledge of all correlation functions of a system is equivalent to solving the corresponding quantum many-bodyprobl... Read more
12 Jul 2023
1hr 12mins
Ranked #10

Quantum Gravity and the Swampland
Quantum Gravity and the Swampland
String theory seems to offer an enormous number of possibilities for low energy physics. The huge set of solutions is of... Read more
12 Jul 2023
1hr 8mins