Ranked #1

Lecture 16. Fraunhofer Diffraction
Lecture 16. Fraunhofer Diffraction
23 Oct 2012
1hr 7mins
Ranked #2

Lecture 22: Frequency Domain Description of Imaging Systems
Lecture 22: Frequency Domain Description of Imaging Systems
revised by Dr. Tyo Fall 2012
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Lecture 1 Notes: Complex Numbers Review and Mathematical Representation of Physical Quantities
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Lecture 12. Sampling and Reconstruction
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Lecture 13. The Discrete Fourier Transform
Lecture 13. The Discrete Fourier Transform
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Lecture 9. The Hankel Transform and Radon Transform
Lecture 9. The Hankel Transform and Radon Transform
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Lecture 7. The Convolution Theorem and Other Fourier Transform Properties
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