Ranked #1

8. Holy Spirit: Increase Your Power. Prayer, miracles and healing.
8. Holy Spirit: Increase Your Power. Prayer, miracles and healing.
What is prayer? Did miracles stop when the last Apostle died? How do I pray for a miracle? Are healings caused by the po... Read more
13 Oct 2008
Ranked #2

7. Holy Spirit: Your Power Source. Receive wholeness and gifts.
7. Holy Spirit: Your Power Source. Receive wholeness and gifts.
What is Christian maturity, the Indwelling Spirit, the Fruit of the Spirit, Gifts of the Spirit and Baptism in the Holy ... Read more
14 Oct 2008
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6. Salvation: Living in the Safety Zone. Failings, options and accountability.
6. Salvation: Living in the Safety Zone. Failings, options and accountability.
Can salvation be lost? I am always saved? Does the Virgin Mary play a part in salvation? Will babies who die without bap... Read more
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9. Where Does God Go to Church? Church description, differences and our response
9. Where Does God Go to Church? Church description, differences and our response
What's the One True Church? How are Roman Catholics and Protestants different? What must a person do to become a Saint? ... Read more
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10. Church or Cult? Recognition and beliefs.
10. Church or Cult? Recognition and beliefs.
Can I recognize a cult? What do Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and Unitarians believe? What does the Unification Church te... Read more
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11. When Is Jesus Returning? His return, preceding events and the Antichrist.
11. When Is Jesus Returning? His return, preceding events and the Antichrist.
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12. Judgment Day. Rapture, resurrection, judgments and the millennium.
12. Judgment Day. Rapture, resurrection, judgments and the millennium.
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13. Marriage: Great Sex and a Biblical Relationship. Benefits, obligations and divorce.
13. Marriage: Great Sex and a Biblical Relationship. Benefits, obligations and divorce.
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14. Today's Family Issues. Homosexuality, abortion and discipline.
14. Today's Family Issues. Homosexuality, abortion and discipline.
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15. I Pledge Allegiance - Part 1. Government's purpose and our duty.
15. I Pledge Allegiance - Part 1. Government's purpose and our duty.
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