Cover image of History: The Struggle for Liberty

History: The Struggle for Liberty

Ralph Raico, professor of European history at Buffalo State College and Schlarbaum laureate, presents a series of ten formal lectures on the history of Liberty: its origin, its development, its friend... Read more

Podcast cover

2. Classical Liberalism

2. Classical Liberalism

Mises’ book, Liberalism, states that liberalism sufficed to change the face of the earth. The term liberal has since bee... Read more

3 Sep 2004

Podcast cover

10. Classical Liberalism and the Welfare-Warfare State

10. Classical Liberalism and the Welfare-Warfare State

Germany surrendered conditionally in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles. Everybody opposed the treaty, but it was forci... Read more

3 Sep 2004

Podcast cover

3. John Stuart Mill

3. John Stuart Mill

Mill played a crucial, but inflated, role in liberalism. Rothbard did not like Mill much. Mill was a disaster on economi... Read more

3 Sep 2004

Podcast cover

4. Class and Conflict

4. Class and Conflict

Gustave de Molinari became the grand old man of classical liberalism, crediting Pareto. Molinari understood that the mai... Read more

3 Sep 2004

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8. The Planned Society

8. The Planned Society

Utopian socialism was a term created by Marx and Lenin to denigrate the enemies of Marx and Lenin. Henri de Saint-Simon’... Read more

3 Sep 2004

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1. The European Miracle

1. The European Miracle

Ralph Raico covers classical liberalism’s growth, development and possible future. Liberalism arose in Europe entwined w... Read more

3 Sep 2004

Podcast cover

7. The Anti-Capitalists

7. The Anti-Capitalists

Humans are prone to envy, writes Helmut Schoeck in Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior. Humans try to set up a society in ... Read more

3 Sep 2004

Podcast cover

6. The New World of Capitalism

6. The New World of Capitalism

In the face of overwhelming evidence of the prosperity of capitalism, Marxists were forced to rephrase their arguments f... Read more

3 Sep 2004

Podcast cover

9. The First World War

9. The First World War

Intellectuals are pro-power and anti-market. Great presidents are war presidents who glorify power. The Costs of War and... Read more

3 Sep 2004

Podcast cover

5. War, Peace, and the Industrial Revolution

5. War, Peace, and the Industrial Revolution

It was thought that the ultimate antidote to war was universal democracy. It was not. Spencer defined liberal democracy ... Read more

3 Sep 2004

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