Dani Taylor, founder of the VeganStrong PlantBuilt team, has been breaking norms since she was 8 years old. She went from surviving on mac and cheese to becoming a competitive vegan bodybuilder and coach.
Dani Taylor, founder of the VeganStrong PlantBuilt team, has been breaking norms since she was 8 years old. She went from surviving on mac and cheese to becoming a competitive vegan bodybuilder and coach.
Welcome to a special series of episodes in honor of the VeganStrong PlantBuilt Team! I am thrilled to be joining the tea... Read more
18 Sep 2023

Slow Growth is Sustainable Growth. Plant-Based sisters Lauretta and Sharon heal themselves one baby step at a time.
Slow Growth is Sustainable Growth. Plant-Based sisters Lauretta and Sharon heal themselves one baby step at a time.
"If you try to do it all at once, that's a sure way to failure"Imagine growing up in Ireland, full of freedom and banter... Read more
11 Sep 2023
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