Ranked #1

How Long to Last in Bed, Oral Duration, Porn Cumshots
How Long to Last in Bed, Oral Duration, Porn Cumshots
The YMMV guys wax poetic about sex. Twitter: @ymmvpod Facebook: ymmvpod Email: ymmvpod@gmail.com
26 Mar 2020
1hr 4mins
Ranked #2

Male and Female Masturbation Death Grip, Fake Orgasm, Massage Arousal
Male and Female Masturbation Death Grip, Fake Orgasm, Massage Arousal
The YMMV guys wax poetic about sex. Twitter: @ymmvpod Facebook: ymmvpod Email: ymmvpod@gmail.com
17 Mar 2020
1hr 5mins
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Ranked #3

Blowjob manners, real versus faked orgasms, Tinder versus Seeking Arrangement
Blowjob manners, real versus faked orgasms, Tinder versus Seeking Arrangement
Keith and Mike talk about sex and relationships. Twitter: @ymmvpod Email: ymmvpod@gmail.com
26 Feb 2020
1hr 2mins
Ranked #4

Female horniness fluctuations, gossiping about sex, tongue fatigue, load volume, "full" release
Female horniness fluctuations, gossiping about sex, tongue fatigue, load volume, "full" release
The YMMV guys wax poetic about sex. Twitter: @ymmvpod Facebook: ymmvpod Email: ymmvpod@gmail.com
6 Mar 2019
1hr 6mins
Ranked #5

Post-climax assistance, entrapment, training to be better, unusual masturbation apparatus
Post-climax assistance, entrapment, training to be better, unusual masturbation apparatus
YMMV returns with answers to myriad hanky-panky related conundrums. Twitter: @ymmvpod Facebook: ymmvpod Email: ymmvpod@g... Read more
19 Feb 2019
Ranked #6

Melon shape, penetration while sleeping, the fairness of oral asymmetries, emotionally dealing with a tape of your partner's past exploits
Melon shape, penetration while sleeping, the fairness of oral asymmetries, emotionally dealing with a tape of your partner's past exploits
YMMV is finally back with more answers to the love making questions you never knew you had. Twitter: @ymmvpod Facebook: ... Read more
31 Jul 2018
1hr 6mins
Ranked #7

The best pleasure machines, the allure of slapping with a different tool, do different hoohahs feel different, rectalscaping.
The best pleasure machines, the allure of slapping with a different tool, do different hoohahs feel different, rectalscaping.
YMMV is trying a new, more euphemistic pod titling method. You'll have to listen to untangle the not-so-subtle mysteries... Read more
20 Jun 2018
1hr 8mins
Ranked #8

Ex-partners' sex lives, what to do after the man is "done", finishing together, passing the load around, labia detritus.
Ex-partners' sex lives, what to do after the man is "done", finishing together, passing the load around, labia detritus.
On this episode of YMMV, the fellas talk about how much they want to know about ex's sex lives, how to avoid awkward pos... Read more
7 Jun 2018
1hr 14mins
Ranked #9

Giving blowjobs, penis injuries, the trouble with swinging, cock size, semen volume.
Giving blowjobs, penis injuries, the trouble with swinging, cock size, semen volume.
The YMMV crew discusses why some otherwise heterosexual men enjoy giving blowjobs, penis injuries, threesomes, the ideal... Read more
1 Jun 2018
1hr 8mins
Ranked #10

Chaturbate, small things leading to breakups, odors, forbidding porn, kegels.
Chaturbate, small things leading to breakups, odors, forbidding porn, kegels.
The YMMV gang talks about cam workers, troublesome smells, minor transgressions causing breakups, forbidding porn, vagin... Read more
22 May 2018
1hr 5mins
Ranked #11

The future of porn, talking to women in bars, vibrator value to men, thinking of other people during sex.
The future of porn, talking to women in bars, vibrator value to men, thinking of other people during sex.
This episode of YMMV talks about masturbation and the future of porn, how to talk to women, a giantess fetish, using a v... Read more
16 May 2018
1hr 7mins
Ranked #12

Taints, efficacy of females sexting, sex on the first date, concern over number of sex partners, how many strokes.
Taints, efficacy of females sexting, sex on the first date, concern over number of sex partners, how many strokes.
The YMMV fellas talk about when a woman should sext, sexual competency, whether the number of sexual partners matters, w... Read more
9 May 2018
1hr 5mins
Ranked #13

Is scrotum scent alluring, is ball smacking additive, anatomy, sleeping through a blow job.
Is scrotum scent alluring, is ball smacking additive, anatomy, sleeping through a blow job.
Keith and Mike get deep into a conversation about testicles and more. Twitter: @ymmvpod Email: ymmvpod@gmail.com
2 May 2018
Ranked #14

Blow job follow up, multiple female orgasms, butt vibrators, how one knows he's not bi.
Blow job follow up, multiple female orgasms, butt vibrators, how one knows he's not bi.
Episode 2 revisits masturbation habits before diving into some more topics from the sex subreddit. Twitter: @ymmvpod Ema... Read more
2 May 2018
Ranked #15

Are rim jobs disgusting, blow job pleasure asymmetry, tasting one's own semen, second had sex toys, pegging.
Are rim jobs disgusting, blow job pleasure asymmetry, tasting one's own semen, second had sex toys, pegging.
Our debut episode covers a number of topics from the sex subreddit. Twitter: @ymmvpod Email: ymmvpod@gmail.com
1 May 2018
1hr 6mins