Sarah Stern and Indigenous Health Equity
Sarah Stern and Indigenous Health Equity
Sarah Stern is a GlobeMed at Columbia alum and currently works as a Health Educator at the Center for American Indian He... Read more
24 May 2022
GlobeMed Turns 15: Building relationships, from founding to today
GlobeMed Turns 15: Building relationships, from founding to today
GlobeMed was founded in 2006 by a group of passionate students who wanted to engage in global health in a way that had a... Read more
30 Sep 2021
GlobeMed Turns 15: A look back at GROW
GlobeMed Turns 15: A look back at GROW
GlobeMed was founding in 2006 by a group of passionate students who wanted to engage in global health in a way that had ... Read more
21 May 2021