XIX. Factories and slaves.
XIX. Factories and slaves.
In this lecture we'll be considering the English industrial revolution and inextricably bound to it slavery in the Unite... Read more
31 Aug 2015
1hr 17mins

Lecture IV: Richness and poverty in 1600.
Lecture IV: Richness and poverty in 1600.
In this lecture we'll be looking at the new global trade of the sixteenth century, particularly that in silver, and its ... Read more
2 May 2015
1hr 8mins

XIII. In praise of the Enlightenment
XIII. In praise of the Enlightenment
In this episode we'll be considering the books and art consuming public in Europe and the Americas and the rise of the t... Read more
21 Jun 2015
1hr 24mins

Lecture III: discoveries?
Lecture III: discoveries?
This lecture explores the opening of the World by Spanish and Portuguese navigators and conquistadors and its consequenc... Read more
2 May 2015
1hr 35mins

VIII. The rise of northern Eurasia
VIII. The rise of northern Eurasia
In this lecture we'll be considering the rise of Russia to Eurasian superpower status in the sixteenth and seventeenth c... Read more
14 Jun 2015
1hr 16mins

XXIII. Colonial conquest.
XXIII. Colonial conquest.
In this lecture we will be considering the colonial conquests of the nineteenth century focusing particularly on Africa.
19 Jan 2016
1hr 36mins

XI. Spiritual and intellectual stirrings.
XI. Spiritual and intellectual stirrings.
In this lecture we'll be considering the religious and intellectual life of the sixteenth century. Focussing on the refo... Read more
11 Jun 2015
1hr 30mins

XXI. The rise of ideologies.
XXI. The rise of ideologies.
In this lecture we'll be considering the two great ideas of the modern age: liberalism and socialism.
12 Dec 2015
1hr 28mins

World History Since 1500 II: The World in 1492
World History Since 1500 II: The World in 1492
In this second lecture of the series we'll be considering the World as it was in 1492: a World more varied and more bala... Read more
30 Apr 2015
1hr 21mins

Science, unbelief and religion,
Science, unbelief and religion,
In this lecture we'll be examining religion in the nineteenth century and the difficult relationship between science and... Read more
20 Jan 2016
1hr 34mins