Ranked #1

Why I said what I said to Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry and Lee Daniels.
Why I said what I said to Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry and Lee Daniels.
Mo'Nique and Sidney talk about the reason behind comments Mo'Nique made during her recent comedy show at the Apollo in N... Read more
22 May 2017
1hr 3mins
Ranked #2

Netflix: The Deal That Mo'Nique Was Offered and Why the Boycott
Netflix: The Deal That Mo'Nique Was Offered and Why the Boycott
Mo'Nique and Sidney talk about the deal Mo'Nique was offered from Netflix and the importance of taking a stand and boyco... Read more
29 Jan 2018
1hr 1min
Ranked #3

Hollywood: Here We Go - Pay Inequality
Hollywood: Here We Go - Pay Inequality
Mo'Nique and Sidney talk about past and recent events surrounding the issue of pay inequality in Hollywood.
15 Jan 2018
Ranked #4

Kim Burrell's comments on homosexuality, let's talk about it!
Kim Burrell's comments on homosexuality, let's talk about it!
Sidney and Mo'Nique talk about the recent comments included in Kim Burrell's sermon and they share their thoughts.
9 Jan 2017
Ranked #5

Overt/covert: Is racism in Hollywood real? Dedicated to Mr. Dick Gregory
Overt/covert: Is racism in Hollywood real? Dedicated to Mr. Dick Gregory
Mo'Nique and Sidney talk about racism in Hollywood as it pertains to how people of color are treated and paid (and/or no... Read more
28 Aug 2017
1hr 10mins
Ranked #6

Is It Ever Okay For A Man To Hit A Woman?
Is It Ever Okay For A Man To Hit A Woman?
Mo'Nique and Sidney talk with callers and listeners about the issue of women being hit by men and men being hit by women... Read more
6 Nov 2017
1hr 4mins
Ranked #7

Are you with your mate because you don't want to be alone?
Are you with your mate because you don't want to be alone?
Mo'Nique and Sidney elaborate on being in relationships simply to keep from being alone.
31 Jul 2017
1hr 5mins
Ranked #8

Do You Run Away From The Truth? Dedicated to Tyler Perry.
Do You Run Away From The Truth? Dedicated to Tyler Perry.
Mo'Nique and Sidney discuss individuals who run from the truth and those who don't want to hear the truth in today's soc... Read more
12 Jun 2017
1hr 2mins
Ranked #9

Are You In and Out of Relationships?
Are You In and Out of Relationships?
Mo'Nique and Sidney talk with callers and listeners about some of the reasons they are in and out of relationships.
27 Nov 2017
Ranked #10

Follow up on the conversation about Kim Burrell's comments
Follow up on the conversation about Kim Burrell's comments
Mo'Nique and Sidney speak about comments they have received from others regarding the past podcast and they give their t... Read more
16 Jan 2017
Ranked #11

Should Society Be More Protective of Womanhood?
Should Society Be More Protective of Womanhood?
Mo'Nique and Sidney talk about women in society, double standards and society's lack of protection of women.
18 Sep 2017
1hr 4mins
Ranked #12

"The Birth of a Nation" And The Parallels From Then And Now In Hollywood
"The Birth of a Nation" And The Parallels From Then And Now In Hollywood
Mo'Nique and Sidney discuss the movie "The Birth of a Nation" and how some of the issues are still prevalent today.
17 Oct 2016
1hr 5mins
Ranked #13

Are you mad at others about things that you can do or should have done for yourself?
Are you mad at others about things that you can do or should have done for yourself?
Mo'Nique and Sidney talk about taking responsibility for ourselves.
28 Nov 2016
Ranked #14

Why Are We So Quick To Throw Each Other Away?
Why Are We So Quick To Throw Each Other Away?
Mo'Nique and Sidney discuss recent events and public reactions to those events.
13 Feb 2017
Ranked #15

Is your house a home or just a house?
Is your house a home or just a house?
Mo'Nique and Sidney talk about aspects of turning a house into a home.
24 Oct 2016
Ranked #16

Do you have a hard time giving and receiving love?
Do you have a hard time giving and receiving love?
Mo'Nique and Sidney discuss giving and receiving love and issues surrounding reasons we don't give or receive love.
19 Sep 2016
Ranked #17

Do you enjoy being a parent or is it a burden?
Do you enjoy being a parent or is it a burden?
Mo'Nique and Sidney discuss aspects of parenting.
11 Jul 2016
Ranked #18

Do you have someone to talk to?
Do you have someone to talk to?
Mo'Nique and Sidney talk about the importance of having someone to talk to about life's situations and issues.
23 Oct 2017
1hr 3mins
Ranked #19

Are You Being Programmed Or Are You Programming Yourself?
Are You Being Programmed Or Are You Programming Yourself?
Mo'Nique and Sidney discuss with listeners and callers the way people are programmed by following others' rules or the w... Read more
26 Jun 2017
1hr 2mins
Ranked #20

Can you forgive others for their indescretions?
Can you forgive others for their indescretions?
Sidney and Mo'Nique talk about forgiveness of others for their wrongs.
23 Jan 2017