Cover image of Lingthusiasm - A podcast that's enthusiastic about linguistics

Lingthusiasm - A podcast that's enthusiastic about linguistics

A podcast that's enthusiastic about linguistics by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. A weird and deep conversation about language delivered right to your ears the third Thursday of every month. "Jo... Read more

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

46: Hey, no problem, bye! The social dance of phatics

46: Hey, no problem, bye! The social dance of phatics

How are you? Thanks, no problem. Stock, ritualistic social phrases like these, which are used more to indicate a particu... Read more

17 Jul 2020


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

44: Schwa, the most versatile English vowel

44: Schwa, the most versatile English vowel

The words about, broken, council, potato, and support have something in common -- they all contain the same sound, even ... Read more

22 May 2020


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Ranked #3

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40: Making machines learn language - Interview with Janelle Shane

40: Making machines learn language - Interview with Janelle Shane

If you feed a computer enough ice cream flavours or pictures annotated with whether they contain giraffes, the hope is t... Read more

17 Jan 2020


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

33: Why spelling is hard — but also hard to change

33: Why spelling is hard — but also hard to change

Why does “gh” make different sounds in “though” “through” “laugh” “light” and “ghost”? Why is there a silent “k” at the ... Read more

20 Jun 2019


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Ranked #5

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39: How to rebalance a lopsided conversation

39: How to rebalance a lopsided conversation

Why do some conversations seems to flow really easily, while other times, it feels like you can’t get a word in edgewise... Read more

19 Dec 2019


Ranked #6

Podcast cover

05: Colour words around the world and inside your brain

05: Colour words around the world and inside your brain

Red, orange, yellow, grue, and purple? Not so fast – while many languages don’t distinguish between green and blue, it’s... Read more

16 Feb 2017


Ranked #7

Podcast cover

03: Arrival of the Linguists - Review of the Alien Linguistics Movie

03: Arrival of the Linguists - Review of the Alien Linguistics Movie

Lingthusiasm Episode 3: Arrival of the linguists - Review of the alien linguistics movieLinguists are very excited about... Read more

15 Dec 2016


Ranked #8

Podcast cover

37: Smell words, both real and invented

37: Smell words, both real and invented

What’s your favourite smell? You might say something like the smell of fresh ripe strawberries, or the smell of freshly-... Read more

17 Oct 2019


Ranked #9

Podcast cover

06: All the sounds in all the languages - The International Phonetic Alphabet

06: All the sounds in all the languages - The International Phonetic Alphabet

English writing is hugely inconsistent: is “ough” pronounced as in cough, though, through, thought, rough, plough, or th... Read more

16 Mar 2017


Ranked #10

Podcast cover

18: Translating the untranslatable

18: Translating the untranslatable

Lists of ‘untranslatable’ words always come with... translations. So what do people really mean when they say a word is ... Read more

15 Mar 2018


Ranked #11

Podcast cover

32: You heard about it but I was there - Evidentiality

32: You heard about it but I was there - Evidentiality

Sometimes, you know something for sure. You were there. You witnessed it. And you want to make sure that anyone who hear... Read more

16 May 2019


Ranked #12

Podcast cover

13: What Does it Mean to Sound Black? Intonation and Identity Interview with Nicole Holliday

13: What Does it Mean to Sound Black? Intonation and Identity Interview with Nicole Holliday

If you grow up with multiple accents to choose from, what does the one you choose say about your identity? How can lingu... Read more

19 Oct 2017


Ranked #13

Podcast cover

10: Learning languages linguistically

10: Learning languages linguistically

Some linguists work with multiple languages, while others focus on just one. But for many people, learning a language af... Read more

20 Jul 2017


Ranked #14

Podcast cover

20: Speaking Canadian and Australian English in a British-American binary

20: Speaking Canadian and Australian English in a British-American binary

Australian and Canadian English don’t sound much alike, but they have one big similarity: they’re both national varietie... Read more

17 May 2018


Ranked #15

Podcast cover

30: Why do we gesture when we talk?

30: Why do we gesture when we talk?

This episode is also available as a special video episode so you can see the gestures! Go to or... Read more

21 Mar 2019


Ranked #16

Podcast cover

12: Sounds you can’t hear - Babies, accents, and phonemes

12: Sounds you can’t hear - Babies, accents, and phonemes

Why does it always sound slightly off when someone tries to imitate your accent? Why do tiny children learning your seco... Read more

21 Sep 2017


Ranked #17

Podcast cover

19: Sentences with baggage - Presuppositions

19: Sentences with baggage - Presuppositions

What’s so weird if I say, “the present King of France is bald” or “I need to pick up my pet unicorn from the vet”? It se... Read more

19 Apr 2018


Ranked #18

Podcast cover

29: The verb is the coat rack that the rest of the sentence hangs on

29: The verb is the coat rack that the rest of the sentence hangs on

Some sentences have a lot of words all relating to each other, while other sentences only have a few. The verb is the th... Read more

22 Feb 2019


Ranked #19

Podcast cover

07: Kids these days aren’t ruining language

07: Kids these days aren’t ruining language

There are some pretty funny quotes of historical people complaining about kids back then doing linguistic things that no... Read more

20 Apr 2017


Ranked #20

Podcast cover

17: Vowel Gymnastics

17: Vowel Gymnastics

Say, “aaaaaahhhh…..” Now try going smoothly from one vowel to another, without pausing: “aaaaaaaeeeeeeeiiiiiii”. Feel ho... Read more

15 Feb 2018


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