Cover image of Myth at the heart of the Roman Empire - for iPod/iPhone

Myth at the heart of the Roman Empire - for iPod/iPhone

How and why did ancient Romans use myth to validate their power? Emperor Augustus legitimised his rule by entwining his own ancestry with the mythical stories of Rome's foundation, and created a divin... Read more

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

The Lapis Niger

The Lapis Niger

How the Lapis Niger, within the Roman Forum, becomes a significant memorial for the foundation myths of ancient Rome.

17 Aug 2010


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

The D'Arpino frescoes

The D'Arpino frescoes

How the 17th century Pope Innocent X stressed his own continuity with ancient Rome's foundational myths by commissioning... Read more

17 Aug 2010


Ranked #3

Podcast cover

A330: Myth in the Greek and Roman worlds

A330: Myth in the Greek and Roman worlds

How story and myth are embedded into the monuments and artefacts of ancient Greece and Rome.

17 Aug 2010


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

Myth at the heart of the Roman Empire

Myth at the heart of the Roman Empire

A short introduction to this album.

17 Aug 2010


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Ranked #5

Podcast cover

The foundation of Rome

The foundation of Rome

An introduction to the stories of the foundation of Rome and how these myths reinforce Roman identity even today.

17 Aug 2010


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