Ranked #1

#43. Thoughts and reflections from the Ravi Zacharias Summer Institute in Wheaton, Illinois.
#43. Thoughts and reflections from the Ravi Zacharias Summer Institute in Wheaton, Illinois.
Thoughts and reflections from the Ravi Zacharias Summer Institute in Wheaton, Illinois.
18 Jun 2008
Ranked #2

#32. C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity and Emerging Church Evangelism.
#32. C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity and Emerging Church Evangelism.
C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity and Emerging Church Evangelism.
11 Jan 2008
Ranked #3

#40. Is Richard Dawkins the best atheism can do? (A review of "The God Delusion Debate" DVD.)
#40. Is Richard Dawkins the best atheism can do? (A review of "The God Delusion Debate" DVD.)
Is Richard Dawkins the best atheism can do? (A review of "The God Delusion Debate" DVD.)
7 May 2008
Ranked #4

#3. How Can You Believe In the Christian God When There Is So Much Evil? (Part 1)
#3. How Can You Believe In the Christian God When There Is So Much Evil? (Part 1)
This presentation starts dealing with the issue of evil in relation to the Christian God. This presentation emphasizes a... Read more
13 Apr 2007
Ranked #5

#12. Why do you believe the Bible is true?
#12. Why do you believe the Bible is true?
Why do you believe the Bible is true?
22 Apr 2007
Ranked #6

#20. Lessons from Mere Christianity 2
#20. Lessons from Mere Christianity 2
The second podcast examining Lewis's apologetic approach in this classic book.
13 Sep 2007
Ranked #7

#13. Why do you believe the Bible is true? Part 2
#13. Why do you believe the Bible is true? Part 2
Why do you believe the Bible is true? Part 2
23 Apr 2007
Ranked #8

#44. Questions on The Shack, Denominational Apologetics, and Homosexuality and Apologetics.
#44. Questions on The Shack, Denominational Apologetics, and Homosexuality and Apologetics.
Questions on The Shack, Denominational Apologetics, and Homosexuality and Apologetics.
18 Jul 2008
Ranked #9

#21. Lessons from Mere Christianity 3
#21. Lessons from Mere Christianity 3
The third podcast examining Lewis's apologetic approach in this classic book. I discuss Lewis's introduction of Satan in... Read more
20 Sep 2007
Ranked #10

#28. Lessons from Mere Christianity 9
#28. Lessons from Mere Christianity 9
Discussing C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity Part 9: Are We Just Selling Maps?
3 Dec 2007
Ranked #11

#10. Five Limitations of Apologetics
#10. Five Limitations of Apologetics
Five Limitations of Apologetics
20 Apr 2007
Ranked #12

#18. Will God punish people forever in hell?
#18. Will God punish people forever in hell?
In this last segment, I talk about how to not get cornered by the usual traps in this question.
28 Apr 2007
Ranked #13

#22. Lessons from Mere Christianity 4
#22. Lessons from Mere Christianity 4
The fourth podcast examining Lewis's apologetic approach in this classic book. I discuss Lewis's way of talking about Je... Read more
27 Sep 2007
Ranked #14

#5. Believing in the Christian God Despite Evil (con't)
#5. Believing in the Christian God Despite Evil (con't)
Continues examining reasons to believe in the Christian God despite the reality of evil.
15 Apr 2007
Ranked #15

#6. The Cross and Evil
#6. The Cross and Evil
Continues with believing in God despite evil. The focus for this final installment is the meaning of the cross in this d... Read more
16 Apr 2007
Ranked #16

#24. Lessons from Mere Christianity 5
#24. Lessons from Mere Christianity 5
Is Christian behavior a good apologetic?
13 Oct 2007
Ranked #17

#27. Lessons from Mere Christianity 8
#27. Lessons from Mere Christianity 8
Lewis's Use of Law and Gospel.
11 Nov 2007
Ranked #18

#29. Lessons from Mere Christianity 10
#29. Lessons from Mere Christianity 10
Discussing C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity Part 10: What do you say about the Trinity (and other hard God questions?)
3 Dec 2007
Ranked #19

#8. Sincere beliefs in any religion
#8. Sincere beliefs in any religion
Won’t any religion get you to heaven if you sincerely follow it’s teachings?
18 Apr 2007
Ranked #20

#26. Lessons from Mere Christianity 7
#26. Lessons from Mere Christianity 7
A Theology of Conversion.
3 Nov 2007