Ranked #1

The German model
The German model
How, Germany has been investing significantly in renewable energy, and particularly in creating an industrial model for... Read more
1 Dec 2009
Ranked #2

Denmark leads the way
Denmark leads the way
Denmark has the most advanced sustainable energy programme in Europe. Why the country is so ahead of everyone else
1 Dec 2009
Ranked #3

Capturing carbon
Capturing carbon
How carbon capture technology offers the possibility of reducing the damage caused by burning fossil fuels
1 Dec 2009
Ranked #4

Low carbon London
Low carbon London
The Mayor of London's very ambitious plans to turn London into a model low carbon city, approaching everything from buil... Read more
1 Dec 2009
Ranked #5

European energy update
European energy update
Godfrey Boyle updates the preceding films and reveals how energy policies have changed over the last three years
1 Dec 2009