Ranked #1

Claire Pamment, "Comic Performance in Pakistan: The Bhānd" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)
Claire Pamment, "Comic Performance in Pakistan: The Bhānd" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)
Claire Pamment’s book Comic Performance in Pakistan: The Bhānd (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) is a fantastic new book center... Read more
15 Mar 2019
Ranked #2

Llerena Searle, "Landscapes of Accumulation: Real Estate and the Neoliberal Imagination in Contemporary India" (U Chicago Press, 2015)
Llerena Searle, "Landscapes of Accumulation: Real Estate and the Neoliberal Imagination in Contemporary India" (U Chicago Press, 2015)
Few who have visited India in the past two decades will have failed to noticed the sudden and spectacular urban transfor... Read more
5 Dec 2018
Ranked #3

Teena Purohit, “The Aga Khan Case: Religion and Identity in Colonial India” (Harvard UP, 2012)
Teena Purohit, “The Aga Khan Case: Religion and Identity in Colonial India” (Harvard UP, 2012)
How does colonial power, both discursive and institutional, transform the normative boundaries and horizons of religious... Read more
14 Nov 2013
1hr 1min
Ranked #4

Chinmay Tumbe, "Moving India: A History of Migration" (Penguin/Viking, 2018)
Chinmay Tumbe, "Moving India: A History of Migration" (Penguin/Viking, 2018)
Chinmay Tumbe's book Moving India: A History of Migration (Penguin/Viking, 2018) is a brilliant and path-breaking histor... Read more
22 Jan 2019
Ranked #5

Sanjay Srivastava, “Entangled Urbanism: Slum, Gated Community and Shopping Mall in Delhi and Gurgaon” (Oxford UP, 2015)
Sanjay Srivastava, “Entangled Urbanism: Slum, Gated Community and Shopping Mall in Delhi and Gurgaon” (Oxford UP, 2015)
Entangled Urbanism: Slum, Gated Community and Shopping Mall in Delhi and Gurgaon (Oxford University Press, 2015) is the ... Read more
2 Oct 2015
Ranked #6

Jyoti Puri, "Sexual States: Governance and the Struggle over the Antisodomy Law in India" (Duke UP, 2016)
Jyoti Puri, "Sexual States: Governance and the Struggle over the Antisodomy Law in India" (Duke UP, 2016)
In Sexual States: Governance and the Struggle over the Antisodomy Law in India (Duke UP, 2016), Jyoti Puri tracks the ef... Read more
1 May 2020
Ranked #7

Ajantha Subramanian, "The Caste of Merit: Engineering Education in India" (Harvard UP, 2019)
Ajantha Subramanian, "The Caste of Merit: Engineering Education in India" (Harvard UP, 2019)
What is merit? How is it claimed? In her much-awaited book The Caste of Merit: Engineering Education in India (Harvard U... Read more
27 Dec 2019
1hr 5mins
Ranked #8

Julia Stephens, “Governing Islam: Law, Empire, and Secularism in Modern South Asia” (Cambridge UP, 2018)
Julia Stephens, “Governing Islam: Law, Empire, and Secularism in Modern South Asia” (Cambridge UP, 2018)
As British colonial rulers expanded their control in South Asia legal resolutions were increasingly shaped by the Englis... Read more
1 May 2020
1hr 10mins
Ranked #9

Christine Fair, "In Their Own Words: Understanding Lashkar-e-Tayyaba" (Oxford UP, 2018)
Christine Fair, "In Their Own Words: Understanding Lashkar-e-Tayyaba" (Oxford UP, 2018)
The attacks on the luxurious Taj Hotel in Mumbai in 2008 put Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, a jihadist terrorist group, in the inter... Read more
6 Apr 2020
1hr 30mins
Ranked #10

Audrey Truschke, “Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court” (Columbia UP, 2016)
Audrey Truschke, “Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court” (Columbia UP, 2016)
Contemporary scholarship on the Mughal empire has generally ignored the role Sanskrit played in imperial political and l... Read more
3 Apr 2017
Ranked #11

A. M. Ruppell, "The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit" (Cambridge UP, 2017)
A. M. Ruppell, "The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit" (Cambridge UP, 2017)
Why would anyone want to study Sanskrit, an ancient complex tongue? What’s the best way to go about doing so? Sanskrit ... Read more
1 May 2019
1hr 17mins
Ranked #12

Michelle Murphy, “The Economization of Life” (Duke University Press, 2017)
Michelle Murphy, “The Economization of Life” (Duke University Press, 2017)
In The Economization of Life (Duke University Press, 2017), Michelle Murphy pulls apart the late modern concept of “popu... Read more
27 Nov 2017
Ranked #13

Carol Upadhya, “Reengineering India: Work, Capital, and Class in an Offshore Economy” (Oxford UP, 2016)
Carol Upadhya, “Reengineering India: Work, Capital, and Class in an Offshore Economy” (Oxford UP, 2016)
How is India’s burgeoning IT industry reshaping the country? What types of capital is IT attracting and what formations ... Read more
23 Nov 2016
Ranked #14

Jeff Koehler, “Darjeeling” (Bloomsbury, 2015)
Jeff Koehler, “Darjeeling” (Bloomsbury, 2015)
Darjeeling tea, like other members of its artisanal tribe serrano peppers, Champagne, and grana padano,exists through a ... Read more
31 Mar 2016
1hr 22mins
Ranked #15

Jessica Hinchy, "Governing Gender and Sexuality in Colonial India: The Hijra, c.1850-1900" (Cambridge UP, 2019)
Jessica Hinchy, "Governing Gender and Sexuality in Colonial India: The Hijra, c.1850-1900" (Cambridge UP, 2019)
Until Jessica Hinchy’s latest book, Governing Gender and Sexuality in Colonial India: The Hijra, c.1850-1900 (Cambridge ... Read more
24 Oct 2019
1hr 3mins
Ranked #16

Harini Nagendra, “Nature in the City: Bengaluru in the Past, Present, and Future” (Oxford UP, 2016)
Harini Nagendra, “Nature in the City: Bengaluru in the Past, Present, and Future” (Oxford UP, 2016)
In Nature in the City: Bengaluru in the Past, Present, and Future (Oxford University Press, 2016), Harini Nagendra trace... Read more
26 Sep 2016
Ranked #17

Stephen Legg, “Prostitution and the Ends of Empire: Scale, Governmentalities, and Interwar India” (Duke UP, 2014)
Stephen Legg, “Prostitution and the Ends of Empire: Scale, Governmentalities, and Interwar India” (Duke UP, 2014)
The spatial politics of brothels in late-British India are the subject of Stephen Legg‘s second book Prostitution and th... Read more
7 Oct 2014
Ranked #18

Patton E. Burchett, "A Genealogy of Devotion: Bhakti, Tantra, Yoga, and Sufism in North India" (Columbia UP, 2019)
Patton E. Burchett, "A Genealogy of Devotion: Bhakti, Tantra, Yoga, and Sufism in North India" (Columbia UP, 2019)
How distinct is Indian devotionalism from other strands of Indian religiosity? Is devotionalism necessarily at odds with... Read more
14 Jun 2019
1hr 1min
Ranked #19

Mengia Hong Tschalaer, “Muslim Women’s Quest for Justice: Gender, Law and Activism in India” (Cambridge UP, 2017)
Mengia Hong Tschalaer, “Muslim Women’s Quest for Justice: Gender, Law and Activism in India” (Cambridge UP, 2017)
In her inspiring new book, Muslim Women’s Quest for Justice: Gender, Law and Activism in India (Cambridge University Pre... Read more
27 Aug 2017
Ranked #20

Prerna Singh, “How Solidarity Works for Welfare: Subnationalism and Social Development in India” (Cambridge UP, 2015)
Prerna Singh, “How Solidarity Works for Welfare: Subnationalism and Social Development in India” (Cambridge UP, 2015)
Prerna Singh has written How Solidarity Works for Welfare: Subnationalism and Social Development in India (Cambridge Uni... Read more
7 Sep 2016