Ranked #1

Ruined Louvre
Ruined Louvre
French artist, Hubert Robert's painting depicting a ruined Louvre.
16 May 2008
Ranked #2

Public or private
Public or private
Sinan's Sokullu Mehment Pasha mosque where all men would be equal before Allah.
16 May 2008
Ranked #3

A tale of two temples
A tale of two temples
Palladio's church of the Redentore in Venice and Sinan's Sokullu Mehmet Pasha mosque in Istanbul are compared.
16 May 2008
Ranked #4

Unfinished business
Unfinished business
Pierre Rosenberg, Director of the Louvre, discussing why the Louvre will never be finished.
16 May 2008
Ranked #5

Art and architecture
Art and architecture
A short introduction to this album.
9 Feb 2010