Ranked #1

FU. Arp and Bif Shake Hands
FU. Arp and Bif Shake Hands
We express regret, answer a puzzle, shake hands and welcome back astronauts Arp and Bif.
25 May 2009
Ranked #2

BR. We Don't Know the Way Out!
BR. We Don't Know the Way Out!
This puzzle has us stumped! How do you escape this diabolical trap?
8 Jan 2007
Ranked #3

HM. Five Cards
HM. Five Cards
Big math news, answers and a quick and easy puzzle.
17 Feb 2012
Ranked #4

GW. Wolfram's Principle of Computational Equivalence
GW. Wolfram's Principle of Computational Equivalence
Stephen Wolfram, creator of Mathematica and author of A New Kind of Science describes a fundamental principle, showing h... Read more
30 Mar 2010
Ranked #5

AD. Bigger and Smaller Infinities
AD. Bigger and Smaller Infinities
Are there only half as many even numbers as counting numbers?
14 Nov 2005
Ranked #6

EW: What's The Difference?
EW: What's The Difference?
Isaac Newton's puzzling polynomial problem!
22 Dec 2008
Ranked #7

FL. Algebra on the Radio
FL. Algebra on the Radio
If I give you a number, can you always find another number whose sum and product with my number are the same?
24 Mar 2009
Ranked #8

HA! Conway on Gardner
HA! Conway on Gardner
John H. Conway on his friendship with Martin Gardner.
28 Jun 2010
Ranked #9

GN. Benford's Law
GN. Benford's Law
If you're gonna commit accounting fraud, some things to watch out for! Benford's law is an amazing property of many kind... Read more
3 Dec 2009
Ranked #10

FC. Cool Clear Water
FC. Cool Clear Water
Math Factor Number Four; how much water is required to get across the desert? (This is basically the same problem as BK.... Read more
20 Feb 2009
Ranked #11

HL. Bear Hunt
HL. Bear Hunt
Kyle stumps Chaim, and we revisit a neat twist on an old chestnut
10 Feb 2012
Ranked #12

HK. Spiders and Fly
HK. Spiders and Fly
Another pursuit puzzle from the Math Factor
3 Feb 2012
Ranked #13

GU. Number Freak
GU. Number Freak
Derrick Niederman tells us what is so un-22 about Catch 22, and other marvels from his new book, Number Freak.
7 Mar 2010
Ranked #14

EL. The Law of Small Numbers
EL. The Law of Small Numbers
In which we discuss the Fibonacci numbers, the law of small numbers, and just why one should expect to see the golden ra... Read more
3 Sep 2008
Ranked #15

HE. On Cake and Coffee
HE. On Cake and Coffee
In which we discuss the mystery of cooling coffee.
12 Dec 2011
Ranked #16

EY. Vth Anniversary Special
EY. Vth Anniversary Special
Our Fifth Anniversary Special! Come visit our brand new, totally fair casino!
21 Jan 2009
Ranked #17

BH. The Poincaré Conjecture
BH. The Poincaré Conjecture
Jeff Weeks, author of "The Shape of Space", discusses the hypersphere and the famous Poincaré Conjecture!
25 Sep 2006
Ranked #18

BD. Magic Numbers
BD. Magic Numbers
We discuss a neat trick involving powers, mod a pair of primes.
24 Aug 2006
Ranked #19

GK. Mythematics
GK. Mythematics
Michael Huber solves the 12 Labors of Hercules!
13 Nov 2009
Ranked #20

GQ. Durned Ants
GQ. Durned Ants
Keep those durned outs offa me!
31 Dec 2009