Cover image of Arabic Language & Culture

Arabic Language & Culture

E-class: listen read learn

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

#53 Kids´Story لاَ .. أنا عبلة

#53 Kids´Story لاَ .. أنا عبلة

٩ - لا... أنا عبلة

31 Jul 2019


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

#35 Arabic Song

#35 Arabic Song

As a kid, I used to hear this song often on the radio. The singer is called Wadih El Safi. He was a Lebanese singer, son... Read more

10 Jul 2018


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Ranked #3

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#50 Kids´ Story in Arabic.

#50 Kids´ Story in Arabic.

The bird says: I am sorry the Rabbit was living in a farm. She  has two friends: the frog and the bird. The three li... Read more

5 Mar 2019


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

#30 Slow News

#30 Slow News

أعلنت الحكومة البريطانية، الاثنين، تعيين ساجد جاويد وزيراً للداخلية. و جاويد (48 عاما) هو مسلم من أصل باكستاني، ولد في 5... Read more

30 Apr 2018


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Ranked #5

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#3 Personal Pronouns in Arabic

#3 Personal Pronouns in Arabic

In this lesson, I do talk about personal pronouns. I attached the lesson in PDF format so that it will be easy to read. ... Read more

7 Feb 2018


Ranked #6

Podcast cover

#4 days of the week

#4 days of the week

Here is a quick post to teach or to refresh days of the week in Arabic. please do make sure you check the lesson attache... Read more

7 Feb 2018


Ranked #7

Podcast cover

#21 Hi and Bye in Arabic

#21 Hi and Bye in Arabic

Hi and bye is basically a back to basics. it is for pure beginners. It is all about how to say good morning, good evenin... Read more

16 Mar 2018


Ranked #8

Podcast cover

#36 Arabic story for kids: the greedy dog

#36 Arabic story for kids: the greedy dog

 الــــكـــــــلـــــب الـــطـــــمـــــاع يحكي أن ذات يوم كان هناك كلب سرق قطعة من اللحم من احد المنازل، ثم هرب مسرعاً ... Read more

26 Jul 2018


Ranked #9

Podcast cover

#6 Colours in Arabic

#6 Colours in Arabic

Colours? Here is a list of some colours in Arabic language. Check the PDF file below. Cheers Colours-PDF

7 Feb 2018


Ranked #10

Podcast cover

#12 The weekend is here!

#12 The weekend is here!

Thanks God, it´s the weekend, I was walking to work and I thought about taking my phone and simply record. Right here I ... Read more

8 Feb 2018


Ranked #11

Podcast cover

#7 Seasons in Arabic

#7 Seasons in Arabic

In this lesson, I do talk about seasons in Arabic along with some vocabulary related to the same topic. And usual, the l... Read more

7 Feb 2018


Ranked #12

Podcast cover

#5: Prepositions in Arabic

#5: Prepositions in Arabic

while learning a foreign language, prepositions are the hardest part to learn and of course to use. Today, I am going to... Read more

7 Feb 2018


Ranked #13

Podcast cover

#18 News in Arabic

#18 News in Arabic

 Here is a piece of news that I read this morning on the BBC website. I did a quick translation of the text and listed s... Read more

4 Mar 2018


Ranked #14

Podcast cover

#32 Kids´story in Arabic

#32 Kids´story in Arabic

As a pure beginner, reading kids´story is always a good idea. Here is a very easy story for you to read. This is Oma... Read more

27 May 2018


Ranked #15

Podcast cover

#8 At Home

#8 At Home

In this lesson, I do talk about where I live. I do briefly describe my flat. Hopefully at the end of the lesson you will... Read more

7 Feb 2018


Ranked #16

Podcast cover

#51 Who are you ?

#51 Who are you ?

إسمي أسد و عمري 13 سنة. أنا من سورية و أعيش في ألمانيا. كل يوم أستيقظ على الساعة السادسة. أثناول الفطور ثم أذهب إلى المد... Read more

16 May 2019

Ranked #17

Podcast cover

#20 Arabic Proverbs

#20 Arabic Proverbs

 How about some Arabic proverbs? I am not going to lecture you on how proverbs are a  part of any given culture but I am... Read more

15 Mar 2018


Ranked #18

Podcast cover

#13 WH Questions in Arabic

#13 WH Questions in Arabic

when it comes to asking/formulating questions in Arabic, using WH Questions is no brainer. And by that I do mean, what, ... Read more

8 Feb 2018


Ranked #19

Podcast cover

#45 a cartoon song

#45 a cartoon song

في جبال يكسوها الثلج تعيش الصغيرة هايدي في جبال الألب تعيش مع الجد و كلبها هايدي  تجلبين الفرح هايدي أنت دوماً مرحة  ها... Read more

12 Dec 2018

Ranked #20

Podcast cover

#39 A Poem in Arabic

#39 A Poem in Arabic

Today I do suggest a poem we had at high school. It is called the Sea Sound by Mohamed Zafzaf. Zafzaf was a Moroccan nov... Read more

15 Oct 2018


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