Cover image of The Truth About American History: An Austro-Jeffersonian Perspective

The Truth About American History: An Austro-Jeffersonian Perspective

Thomas E. Woods, Jr. presents this seminar covering the material in his books, and details and defends the Jeffersonian-Rothbardian perspective. Here is the cutting edge of libertarian history that co... Read more

Ranked #1

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5. The Great Depression, World War II, and American Prosperity, Part I

5. The Great Depression, World War II, and American Prosperity, Part I

The 1920s had difficulties, but the depth of the Great Depression was in 1931. Any theory of boom-bust events must ask w... Read more

20 Jun 2005

Ranked #2

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3. The States' Rights Tradition Nobody Knows

3. The States' Rights Tradition Nobody Knows

New England was not in favor of the War of 1812 and it considered seceding, but the death of Hamilton in his duel with B... Read more

20 Jun 2005

Ranked #3

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4. The Fourteenth Amendment

4. The Fourteenth Amendment

This is a difficult issue. Most of the controversy is from Section One. What exactly does the first sentence mean? If th... Read more

20 Jun 2005

Ranked #4

Podcast cover

10. The American Presidency: Critical Episodes in Its Growth, Part II

10. The American Presidency: Critical Episodes in Its Growth, Part II

The Mexican War 1846-48 involved unpaid debts to Americans, a desire for West coast territory, and the issue of Texas wh... Read more

20 Jun 2005

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Ranked #5

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9. The American Presidency: Critical Episodes in Its Growth, Part I

9. The American Presidency: Critical Episodes in Its Growth, Part I

No President should leave a citizen in doubt about his person or property. However, this original comforting view is con... Read more

20 Jun 2005

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