Ranked #1

Are potential supporters of the English Defence League economic losers, protestors, Islamophobes or xenophobes?
Are potential supporters of the English Defence League economic losers, protestors, Islamophobes or xenophobes?
n recent years several European states have seen the emergence of 'counter-Jihad' movements, which in contrast to the es... Read more
20 May 2013
Ranked #2

Do Human Rights Treaties Help or Hurt Asylum-Seekers?: The U.K. Case
Do Human Rights Treaties Help or Hurt Asylum-Seekers?: The U.K. Case
Stephen Meili looks at how human rights treaties are applied in the UK court systems to applications by asylum seekers.
28 May 2013
Ranked #3

Immigration and the NHS
Immigration and the NHS
Carlos Vargas Silva, COMPAS, University of Oxford, gives a talk for Immigration and democracy in the UK COMPAS Seminar S... Read more
27 Jul 2015
Ranked #4

'We don't want to be sent back and forth all the time': Chagossian reflections on compulsion and choice in the context of forced displacement, onward migration, and prospective return
'We don't want to be sent back and forth all the time': Chagossian reflections on compulsion and choice in the context of forced displacement, onward migration, and prospective return
This talk draws on a case study of forced displacement, onward migration, and prospective return within the living memor... Read more
14 Apr 2014
Ranked #5

The border is everywhere: Refugee journeys in Europe
The border is everywhere: Refugee journeys in Europe
Daniel Trilling, New Humanist Magazine, gives a talk for Shifting Powers, Shifting Mobilites COMPAS Seminar Series The w... Read more
27 Jul 2015
Ranked #6

Migration in the Media
Migration in the Media
Rob McNeil, COMPAS, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Immigration and democracy in the UK COMPAS Seminar Series... Read more
27 Jul 2015
Ranked #7

With a lot of help from my friends: How do migrants use social networks to access jobs?
With a lot of help from my friends: How do migrants use social networks to access jobs?
This briefing provides a descriptive analysis of the role of social networks in the labour market, comparing immigrant a... Read more
20 May 2013
Ranked #8

Intergenerational and inter-ethnic wellbeing of migrants: an analysis for the UK
Intergenerational and inter-ethnic wellbeing of migrants: an analysis for the UK
This paper uses a UK nationally representative data set to examine the extent to which family migration history helps ex... Read more
9 Nov 2015
Ranked #9

Forced marriage and immigration policies: understanding diversity or punishing difference?
Forced marriage and immigration policies: understanding diversity or punishing difference?
Geetanjali Gangoli, University of Bristol, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series on forced marriage and its implica... Read more
14 Apr 2014
Ranked #10

The Urban Outlaw as Rights Broker
The Urban Outlaw as Rights Broker
Nicholas Simcik Arese, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. As activists lam... Read more
27 Jul 2015
Ranked #11

Damaged trust and a changing electorate?: Migration as a contemporary political issue in the UK
Damaged trust and a changing electorate?: Migration as a contemporary political issue in the UK
Scott Blinder, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, gives a talk for the Immigration and democracy in the UK COMPAS Sem... Read more
27 Jul 2015
Ranked #12

Beyond the 'asylum-seeking market': spaces of responsibility and moments of care within the privatisation of asylum accommodation
Beyond the 'asylum-seeking market': spaces of responsibility and moments of care within the privatisation of asylum accommodation
Jonathan Darling, University of Manchester, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series. In this seminar I draw on my cur... Read more
27 Jan 2016
Ranked #13

How informalities and diversification make an arrival neighborhood: International migrants in Kumkapi, Istanbul
How informalities and diversification make an arrival neighborhood: International migrants in Kumkapi, Istanbul
Kristen Biehl, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. As of the late 1950s, Is... Read more
27 Jul 2015
Ranked #14

Migration and the health trajectories of immigrants and host country nationals
Migration and the health trajectories of immigrants and host country nationals
Osea Giuntella, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series. Despit... Read more
27 Jan 2016
Ranked #15

The cage of freedom: Mobility and labour in contemporary Bangkok
The cage of freedom: Mobility and labour in contemporary Bangkok
Claudio Sopranzetti, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. This talk analyses... Read more
27 Jul 2015
Ranked #16

Arrival cities under occupation? Political economies of urban consolidation and rural migration in the contemporary West Bank
Arrival cities under occupation? Political economies of urban consolidation and rural migration in the contemporary West Bank
Kareem Rabie, CUNY Graduate Center, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. This talk explores the ar... Read more
27 Jul 2015
Ranked #17

The xenophobic city: Security, neoliberalisation and violence from the bottom of Aegean Sea to the centre of Athens
The xenophobic city: Security, neoliberalisation and violence from the bottom of Aegean Sea to the centre of Athens
Dimitris Dalakoglou, University of Sussex, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. In 2010, it was re... Read more
27 Jul 2015
Ranked #18

The scale and scope of citizenship in early modern Europe: Preliminary estimates
The scale and scope of citizenship in early modern Europe: Preliminary estimates
Chris Minns, London School of Economics, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. This paper develops ... Read more
27 Jul 2015
Ranked #19

Safeguarding children from destitution: How do local authorities respond to families with ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’?
Safeguarding children from destitution: How do local authorities respond to families with ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’?
Sarah Spencer and Jonathan Price, COMPAS, Oxford, give a talk for the COMPAS series. This briefing presents the finding... Read more
14 Jul 2015
Ranked #20

What can the lived experiences of white working class communities tell us about social cohesion?
What can the lived experiences of white working class communities tell us about social cohesion?
This briefing explores the lived experiences and concerns of segments of the majority population in Higher Blackley, a w... Read more
21 May 2015