Ranked #1

Doctor's Review: "Shakeology is a great recovery supplement."
Doctor's Review: "Shakeology is a great recovery supplement."
Proteins and amino acids are central to the healing process and recovery. Shakeology® is a great, healthy source that pr... Read more
21 Feb 2012
Ranked #2

Doctor's Review: Shakeology® has Tremendously High-Quality Ingredients
Doctor's Review: Shakeology® has Tremendously High-Quality Ingredients
The breadth of the ingredients in Shakeology® differentiates it from other products on the market. Shakeology offers ada... Read more
12 Jul 2011
Ranked #3

Doctor's Review: "Shakeology's Glycemic Index Helps Maintain Energy Levels"
Doctor's Review: "Shakeology's Glycemic Index Helps Maintain Energy Levels"
The glycemic index is extremely important to one's health. The goal is to keep your sugar levels as balanced as possible... Read more
3 Jan 2012
Ranked #4

Doctor's Review: "Get your daily fruit and vegetable intake from Shakeology."
Doctor's Review: "Get your daily fruit and vegetable intake from Shakeology."
The best way to be healthy is to eat natural fruits, grains, and vegetables. Shakeology® is a full meal with the right a... Read more
14 Feb 2012
Ranked #5

Doctor's Review: The Ingredients in Shakeology® Help You Make Better Food Choices
Doctor's Review: The Ingredients in Shakeology® Help You Make Better Food Choices
Seventy-five to eighty-five percent of cardiac-based health problems can be prevented by lifestyle and diet changes. Cho... Read more
15 Nov 2011
Ranked #6

Doctor's Review: "Shakeology Slimmed Me Down After Breastfeeding"
Doctor's Review: "Shakeology Slimmed Me Down After Breastfeeding"
"As a physician and as a mom, I think Shakeology is great because it has all the components a meal should have: proteins... Read more
5 Jul 2011
Ranked #7

Doctor's Review: Get Rid of the Bulk (Up to 25lbs!) in Your Intestines with the Help of the Prebiotics in Shakeology®
Doctor's Review: Get Rid of the Bulk (Up to 25lbs!) in Your Intestines with the Help of the Prebiotics in Shakeology®
People who are obese are more prone to get a wide variety of cancers. Obesity hampers the body's ability to metabolize c... Read more
22 Nov 2011
Ranked #8

Doctor's Review: Weight Loss is Aided with Shakeology® by Preventing the Intake of Bad Calories
Doctor's Review: Weight Loss is Aided with Shakeology® by Preventing the Intake of Bad Calories
Losing weight is one of the many benefits Shakeology® can offer to better overall health. A daily dose of Shakeology pro... Read more
20 Jan 2011
Ranked #9

Doctor's Review: "Shakeology is an Easy Way to Get All the Superfoods."
Doctor's Review: "Shakeology is an Easy Way to Get All the Superfoods."
Junk food is all around us these days. In contrast, it's harder to find fruits and grains. Shakeology® is an easy way to... Read more
6 Dec 2011
Ranked #10

Doctor's Review: "Shakeology helped me from 4 cups of coffee a day to 1!"
Doctor's Review: "Shakeology helped me from 4 cups of coffee a day to 1!"
Shakeology® optimizes your body's nutrition. It takes only a few minutes to mix it up and you're doing your body a great... Read more
24 Jan 2012
Ranked #11

Doctor's Review: "If you're looking for a meal that is nutritious for only $4, Shakeology is the way to go."
Doctor's Review: "If you're looking for a meal that is nutritious for only $4, Shakeology is the way to go."
Vitamins and minerals are needed as co-factors for the body's basic functions. Protein is needed because its amino acids... Read more
8 Nov 2011
Ranked #12

Doctor's Review: "Choose Shakeology over the $4 drinks at the coffee house!"
Doctor's Review: "Choose Shakeology over the $4 drinks at the coffee house!"
Shakeology® is an incredibly fast and healthy meal replacement. It's satisfying and the reduction in calories from the a... Read more
31 Jan 2012
Ranked #13

Doctor's Review: Shakeology is great for weight loss
Doctor's Review: Shakeology is great for weight loss
Shakeology® is a very unique meal replacement. The prebiotics and probiotics in Shakeology are key. The shake also makes... Read more
12 Jun 2012
Ranked #14

Doctor's Review: “Shakeology Works!”
Doctor's Review: “Shakeology Works!”
Being overweight unfortunately has many effects on a woman's gynecological health as well as other ailments such as diab... Read more
5 Jun 2012
Ranked #15

Doctor's Review: "Drinking Shakeology and exercising is the way to get healthy."
Doctor's Review: "Drinking Shakeology and exercising is the way to get healthy."
Surgery is just 50 percent of the battle, the other part of recovery and prevention is eating right and exercising. Shak... Read more
15 May 2012
Ranked #16

Doctor's Review: Shakeology® is a Wonderful Protein-Packed Recovery Supplement!
Doctor's Review: Shakeology® is a Wonderful Protein-Packed Recovery Supplement!
Shakeology® is easy, healthy, great tasting, and a great recovery drink for workouts. You get your daily vitamins, antio... Read more
1 May 2012
Ranked #17

Doctor's Review: "Shakeology is a great recovery supplement!"
Doctor's Review: "Shakeology is a great recovery supplement!"
Shakeology® is a great recovery supplement for both workouts and post-operation healing. Many of the vitamins and minera... Read more
24 Apr 2012
Ranked #18

Doctor's Review: "Shakeology is still an effective weight loss tool for non-exercisers."
Doctor's Review: "Shakeology is still an effective weight loss tool for non-exercisers."
"Shakeology has helped me with my energy levels immensely! It has enough protein, antioxidants, prebiotics, acidophilus ... Read more
3 Apr 2012
Ranked #19

Doctor's Review: "Shakeology is a great supplement for women's health."
Doctor's Review: "Shakeology is a great supplement for women's health."
A lot of women are coming in 20-30 lbs. overweight and need some help to figure out when they should be eating and what ... Read more
20 Mar 2012
Ranked #20

Doctor's Review: "Chocolate Shakeology tastes like a liquid brownie."
Doctor's Review: "Chocolate Shakeology tastes like a liquid brownie."
"Shakeology is really impressive. Beachbody has given a lot of thought to include nutrients and vitamins necessary for t... Read more
13 Mar 2012